Introduction : On 9th of February 2023 the geological Survey of India released a sensational report that could be a game changer of India, as it turns out we have discovered 9.5 million tons of lithium (White Gold) in J&K. This is not literal gold but just like oil is referred to as the Black Gold of the 20th century, lithium is known as the White Gold of 21st century, beacuse just like oil became the bloodline of the 20th century economics. Lithium is said to be the new energy reserve that will determine the super economies of the 21st century. And most news channels only told us about the lithium discovery, very few of them actually told us about the critical business & geopolitical insights behind this discovery. Why Lithium is so important and why it is called as the ‘white gold’ of 21st century..? Now we know that EV and renewable energy are the future but the single most important factor is this transition to EVs and renewables is none other than the evolution ...