INTRODUCTION : You see these days there is a lot of trouble and mudslinging and speculation about this Kerala story at various places. One group is trying their whole life to prove that none of the scenes shown here are true, while another group says that every scene shown here is based on real events. So you will see that many leaders, be it big leaders or small leaders are all up in arms about this thing and giving their opinions as they please. Some places have completely banned the movie from cinemas, and others have made it tax free. He did whatever he wanted. First of all, what is the truth of this? And secondly, why are all political parties raising so much concern over this movie? So everyone should first know that there is such politics going on in Kerala that everyone is giving so much importance to this movie. And why PFI and ISI give Kerala state the most importance to the exclusion of other states in India. So while writing here I am not saying anything on my behalf...