In the past three years we have seen some of the most sensational space event in the world. Elon mask has been launching rockets one after the other. India has been successfully landed on the moon, US is about to launch its first human mission to the lunar south pole in 2025. And even china and japan are preparing for the same but while most people might think this to be yet another exploration move few people realize that it has a geopolitical angle to it. For example - In November 2019 NATO declared space as one of the war fighter domains, The united state launched the world's first independent dedicated space force in the same year, France changed the name of it's AIR FORCE to AIR AND SPACE FORCE, and Russia combined it's Air force anti-air and anti-missile defenses into the Aerospace forces in 2015. So now space is literally turning into a frontline of warfare so all this drama is not for scientific discovery but also about having that extra advantage during the times...