Delhi records cleanest air quality 2023 with AQI of 45


  • Delhi Air Quality has been a major issue from past few years. The air quality index often exceeds the acceptable standards set by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Inhalation of pollutants present in the air can cause a variety of illnesses including bronchitis, COPD, and other respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. According to reports, Delhi has recorded its cleanest air in nearly 4 years with an AQI of 104 as per Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) data. This record is attributed to Covid-19 pandemic-induced restrictions on vehicular movement, industrial activities and construction work. The situation however is not ideal, with dust particles still significantly higher than global standards according to WHO guidelines. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) data shows that levels of Particulate Matter or PM2.5, which are particles less than 2.5 microns in diameter and can penetrate deep into lungs causing serious health issues are still significantly higher than national standards for safe air quality levels. 

Measures Taken By Government To Improve Air Quality

  • Realising the seriousness of the issue of poor air quality in Delhi, the Government of India has taken various measures to reduce pollution levels within the city limits and surrounding areas. These includes: 1) Implementation of Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP), 2) Strengthening public transport system by introducing electric buses & metro expansion plans, 3) Banning entry of trucks into Delhi during night hours, 4) Imposing heavy taxes on vehicles that fail emission tests 5) Banning old diesel vehicles 6) Restrictions on burning stubble 7) Sprinkling water over high dust emitting roads 

Impact Of Covid-19 On Air Quality

  • The COVID 19 pandemic imposed restrictions on industrial activities, construction projects and vehicular movements resulted in drastic reduction in air pollution levels within Delhi’s city limits as well as its surrounding areas. However according to experts these positive gains could be short lived if necessary steps are not taken soon enough as it would lead to a rebound effect after lockdown restrictions are lifted.

What Needs To Be Done Next?

  • In order sustain cleanest air recorded recently by Delhi in 4 years it is important that urgent long term measures should be taken soon enough to meet ‘Cleanest Air By 2023’ mission which also aligns with strategic objectives of National Clean Air Programme (NCAP). The government should focus on long term solutions such as mass rapid public transport system; electric mobility; promoting renewable energy sources such as solar & wind energy; banning old polluting vehicle; constructing green buildings etc., instead of ad hoc emergency response measures such as odd even rule etc.

Conclusion: Breathe Easy in Delhi: The City of Clean Air by 2023

  • In conclusion even though due to Covid-19 pandemic imposed restrictions have helped improve air quality to some extent due to lack of sustained efforts this success could be short lived once restrictions are lifted. Hence it is important for government take suitable long term measures immediately otherwise achieving ‘Cleanest Air By 2023’ mission will become difficult eventually putting public health at risk.

Overview of the “Breathe Easy in Delhi: The City of Clean Air by 2023” Initiative

  • Delhi Air Quality has been a cause for concern for its residents and the government alike. To meet this challenge, the Delhi government launched the “Breathe Easy in Delhi: The City of Clean Air by 2023” Initiative, with an aim to create a healthier and more sustainable city, free from air pollution. Under this initiative, effective steps are being taken to reduce air pollution in the city and to ensure that Delhi records its cleanest air by 2023. The initiative focuses on efforts such as clean energy production, better transport management, effective waste disposal methods and creating awareness about the importance of good air quality. It also involves technology-driven solutions like developing an app for monitoring air quality in real-time. Some measures are already being implemented in order to reduce emissions and improve air quality levels. For example, various restrictions on fossil fuel use have been imposed in order to incentivize people to switch to cleaner sources of energy. Additionally, efforts are being made to phase out old vehicles that emit higher levels of pollutants. In terms of waste disposal management, a number of initiatives have been launched such as setting up waste segregation centers and promoting composting for organic waste disposal. Additionally, the government has proposed plans like developing green belts around the city with trees that absorb harmful pollutants from the atmosphere and help improve air quality. Another important part of this initiative is educating citizens about ways they can contribute towards reducing pollution by taking simple steps like carpooling or using public transportation instead of personal vehicles whenever possible, disposing off garbage properly, switching off appliances when not needed and so on. The “Breathe Easy in Delhi: The City of Clean Air by 2023” initiative is a comprehensive plan designed to bring down pollution levels drastically so that Delhi can record its cleanest air by 2023. By implementing these measures effectively over time, we can ensure that Delhi will become an example for other cities looking to achieve similar goals related to improving their air quality standards.

Benefits of Achieving Clean Air for Delhi Residents

  • Delhi Air Quality has become an important topic in recent years with the alarming levels of air pollution. Despite this, several initiatives have been taken by the government to make sure that Delhi record cleanest air by 2023 and its citizens can eventually “breathe easy”. The efforts to combat air pollution and improve air quality are numerous, from the implementation of new laws to the introduction of new technologies. If these initiatives are successful, Delhi residents will be able to enjoy many benefits that come with improving the quality of their air.
  • The most obvious benefit Is improved health for all residents living in Delhi. When the air quality index (AQI) is low, it means that there are few pollutants present and this reduces the risk of respiratory problems like asthma or bronchitis. Additionally, decreased pollution leads to lower levels of ozone,
  • particulate matter and other harmful contaminants which can cause long-term health issues such as cancer or cardiovascular disease. With cleaner air in Delhi, healthcare costs could also decrease significantly as fewer people would require medical attention due to breathing related illnesses.
  • Besides health benefits, achieving cleaner air also offers economic advantages for both businesses and individuals alike. Fewer pollutants mean more pleasant urban environment which could attract more tourists and potential investors. This in turn could result in higher job opportunities and wages due to increased demand for goods and services from all sectors across economy.
  • Cleaner air also encourages a greener lifestyle among residents with less need for cars and motorized vehicles on roads as well as greater appreciation for green spaces like parks where people can spend time outdoors without worrying about high levels of pollutants from traffic exhausts or industrial sources.
  • In conclusion, Delhi Air Quality has been a major issue for many years now but with persistent efforts and collaboration between government authorities, citizens and relevant stakeholders this situation could be improved significantly over next few years allowing inhabitants of India’s capital city to finally “breathe easy” under clearest skies ever recorded.

Steps Taken So Far to Make Delhi the City of Clean Air

  • For the past few years, the Delhi Air Quality has been a major concern in India. Despite its notorious reputation, the capital city of India has taken some bold steps to clean its air and make it the cleanest In the country. There have been various initiatives and policies implemented by both governmental and non-governmental organizations that have resulted in significant improvements in air quality.
  •  To begin with, the most effective measure that has been taken to improve air quality in Delhi is the implementation of the Odd-Even Rule. This rule was initiated in 2016 and allowed only cars with odd or even registration numbers on alternate days during peak hours to reduce vehicular pollution to a great extent. The government also launched a mobile app called ‘Building Bridges’ which provides real-time data about air pollution levels at various locations throughout Delhi.
  •  In addition to this, many parks and forests have been developed in Delhi over the past few years for better air quality as they act as green lungs for absorbing pollutants from the atmosphere. Additionally, dust-control measures such as mechanical sweeping on busy roads have been implemented to reduce PM2.5 levels from road dust particles. Moreover, solar energy has become more popular than ever due to governmental subsidies which encourages people to switch from traditional sources of electricity generation to renewable sources like solar energy which helps reduce emission levels significantly.
  •  With these measures being implemented, it is likely that Delhi will achieve its goal of having the Cleanest Air record by 2023 if stringent policies are followed consistently by both citizens as well as authorities. Besides this, there is a need for more awareness among people about how their lifestyle choices can impact air quality along with public participation initiatives like plantation drives and carpooling schemes that promote sustainable transportation habits. All these efforts will eventually help us achieve Breathe Easy in Delhi: The City of Clean Air by 2023.

What Else Needs to be Done

  • Delhi’s Air Quality Index has been a cause of worry for many years. But with the right steps and initiatives, Delhi can become the city with the cleanest air by 2023. To reach this goal, it is important to know what else needs to be done, so that we can all breathe easy in Delhi.
  •  Delhi needs to enforce stricter air pollution laws and regulations on industries and vehicles that emit pollutants. There should also be an emphasis on using renewable sources of energy instead of depending heavily on fossil fuels. This will reduce air pollution significantly. Also, people should be encouraged to use public transport whenever possible and to opt for environment-friendly modes of transport such as electric scooters or bicycles whenever possible.
  •  In addition to this, citizens should be educated about the importance of preventive measures such as planting trees and using low-emission fuels for their vehicles. It is also necessary for all stakeholders including government agencies, corporates, NGOs and individuals to come together in a concerted effort towards achieving cleaner air in Delhi by 2023.
  • The delhi Government can also launch campaigns such as ‘Clean Air Ambassadors’ which will involve citizens actively participating in clean air initiatives such as tree plantation drives, carpooling and spreading awareness about air pollution prevention. In addition, they can introduce incentives such as tax breaks or subsidies for those who make efforts towards reducing their contribution towards air pollution.
  •  It is important that we all work together towards making Delhi the City of Clean Air by 2023. If we are able to implement the necessary steps effectively, we will be able to breathe easy in Delhi once again and reap the benefits of a cleaner environment.


  • By 2023, Delhi aims to be the city of clean air by reducing its air pollution levels to an internationally acceptable level. The state government has taken steps such as introducing the ‘Odd-Even’ rationing scheme, introducing electric buses, offering financial incentives for switching to Electric Vehicles (EVs) and installing air purifiers in public areas. All these steps taken together will help reduce the amount of particulate matter present in Delhi’s air and make it one of the cities with the cleanest air in India. In order to ensure a successful completion of this initiative, it is important for all citizens and businesses in Delhi to actively participate in finding solutions and making sure that they are implemented properly. With everyone’s support and dedication, Delhi can become the city of clean air by 2023.



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