How East India company's colonial loots break India's backbone into beats and pieces


  • When you watch a Hollywood movie and clap your hands, in which a great Britisher is fighting with Hitler like a hero, then do remember that the cost of that fight was taken out of your ancestors' backs. You will read the history of some business houses. Those who talk a lot, that this was our business model, we made our business in this way, Actually they were all the puppets of the Britishers. The whole West talks a lot about free trade, but they haven't mentioned a single word in the Cambridge Economic History of India. It is very shocking that even to this day, the District Administrative Officer is called a collector. The whole modern capitalist global system of today is based on this loot.

Background History


  • Whenever we talk about period before 1947, we say that the Britishers colonized India, made it a slave, whereas in actuality, India was made a slave by a private company. But the thing is, how can a private company make such a big country its slave? What would have happened at that time, that a company made by 125 people, with just 70,000 pounds and made a whole country its slave? You can ask the people around you, you will hear different things in bits and pieces, but there are very few people who know the actual story of how India was looted by a private company under a plan. And then the same company was bought by an Indian, Sanjeev Mehta. Whether you are in India or outside of India, how were we made slaves? This thing comes up in some discussion.


  •  So, all these things started in the year 1599, when spices were a very high-value commodity. This black pepper, or black pepper, had such a strong impact that merchants called it black gold. It was compared to gold. And at that time, Dutch had more control on the spice trade. And even in Britain, Dutch used to supply. It was their monopoly. Now, in the mid-year 1599, Dutch increased five shillings on black pepper, shilling was the currency of that time. So, Britishers get very angry about this kind of manipulation. And after a month, that is, on 24th September 1599, 24 rich merchants gather in the hall street of the city of London during the daytime, and decide that the Dutch are doing this manipulation, we have to trade on our own. And then they convince 125 shareholders, collect 72,000 pounds and form a company, which was called 'The Governor and Company of Merchants of London, trading into the East Indies'. So, they make the company, and then they had to take approval from Queen Elizabeth I. Because they could not start trading in the world by deciding like this. So, after three months, that is, on 31st December 1599, Queen Elizabeth I gives them a royal charter, that you go and start all these things. The royal charter meant a return order, that is, a royal order. The approval of this royal charter meant that the East India Company, which is made in England, could go to different places in the world, and buy the spices and other commodities at a low price, and sell them back to Europe. In a way, they got a trading license, like today, you get a license for import and export, exactly like that. This royal charter that Queen gave, it was given for 15 years, and a specific area was also given, that you have to go and trade in this particular area. And that area was in the East of Cape of Good Hope, and in the West of the States of Magellan. Basically, it had to be done in the East India area, so that's why the name of this company was changed to 'East India Company'. Now, Queen already knew that other countries were also trading in this area, so there would already be a lot of competition for the East India Company. So Queen said that there would only be East India Company from England, which would go and trade here. From England, no other company would go and trade there, in case if it does, then its goods would be confiscated. Because there is already competition in those areas, and it would not be a good decision to do another competition of our own company. That would not be a good decision. That's why Queen took this decision. Now, when the East India Company goes to trade in those areas, so that it does not face any problems, Queen gave it more power than needed for this. For example, printing your own money, in the area where people trade, they could make their own laws, they could have their own foreign policy, they could run courts, they could give punishments, they could have an army, they could claim jurisdiction.Now, the East India Company had to go and trade in that area, it had to cost a lot of money and the risk was very high. And the Britishers were not that rich at that time, so they did a job, they made the East India Company like a joint stock company. Meaning, you don't have to work in the company, you just invest money in the company, take its stocks, when the company will get profit, then you will also get profit. Just like the way you buy shares now, exactly the same thing. The East India Company had only one objective, that to profit on its own, and to make the profit of the shareholders who invested in it. Whether they have to break the rules or there is a loss of someone, or there is a loss of humanity, they had no meaning from this. And they were not even bothered to break the rules, because they had the support of the Queen. The East India Company took a lot of risk for what it was going to do, so they were not getting workers as well. So, in the beginning, they took people from the New Gate jail in London, and some people from the London Bedlam, and the Lunatic Asylum. Now, after all these things happened, they took a ship and went to Indonesia, towards Maluku Island. And initially, they had no plan to go into India. There were a lot of spy states on Maluku Island, but when they reached here, Spanish, Portuguese, and Dutch traders were trading in this area. The United East India Company of the Dutch Trader, was a very big company of that area. Their army was very big. So, when the East India Company reached here, Things didn't go in their favour, Dutch were already working there and East India company was driven away. And they come back to England from there. Now, after this, they make plans to go to that area again. But this time, they try to go to India. Now, the Portuguese in India were trading from the year 1498. But even after that, they decide to go to India and trade. So, in the year 1608, William Hawkins, who was the diplomat of the East India Company, was given a ship named Hector. And with this ship, on 24th August, 1608, they reach the Surat, India for the first time.
  • At that time, if we talk about the empire in India, it was the empire of the Mughals. And the Mughals were at the peak. At the maximum place, Mughals ruled in India. This was India at that time. Now, the entire Mughal Empire was headed by the king. And this entire Mughal Empire was divided into 12 provinces. Which was called province. Like, today, states are divided in this way. Provinces were headed by the governor. And the governor used to take the tax from the local public. And pay the tax to the Mughal emperor. So, this way, the Mughal Empire's army was maintained. And Britain was comparatively a poor country at that time. At that time, India was considered an industrial powerhouse. And it was not a matter of one or two areas. At that time, India was a textile manufacturer in the whole world. Now, China produces 28 % of the manufacturing of the whole world. At that time, India alone used to produce 25%. If you still pay attention, then the names of many clothings, shawls, pajamas, khakis, kamarband all of these became famous all over the world at that time. And if you add the whole of Europe's economy, India's economy was bigger than that. If we compare today's standards, it was equal to 21 trillion dollars. At that time, India was an economic powerhouse. Along with that, the Mughals were also very powerful. So, India was like a superpower at that time in the whole world.


  •  On 24th August, 1608, William Hawkins reaches Surat, India. After reaching the face, William realized that Portuguese traders already have a lot of understanding of Mughals and they have been trading for a long time. And William also realized that if he wants to trade here, then he will have to impress the Mughals and take their permission. And at that time, Agra was the capital of India and all the approvals were received from there. So, William gets up from Surat and reaches Agra directly. And somehow tries to talk to Jahangir. And to impress Jahangir, he became very mischievous. Like he was white but he wore an Afghan dress. And he was trying to speak in a broken Turkish language and took many gifts. The first thing was that the Mughals did not want to annoy the Portuguese traders by working with the Britishers. And the second thing was that the Mughals considered the Britishers very rude. So, William did not entertain them at all. When they were leaving, William gifted them an Armenian Christian wife. After this, they come to Surat by ship. But the local officials of Surat sent them back in fear of the Portuguese traders. Here, the officials of East India Company were trying to make some arrangements with the Mughals.


  • And on 24th March 1603, Queen Elizabeth I dies in Britain. And on the same day, King James became king of England after this, the directors of East India Company meet King James and request him that if they send an official diplomat, then their matter will be taken more seriously and their work may be done. King James agrees to this and on 18th September 1615, an official ambassador, Sir Thomas Rowe, is sent to Surat by Ship. Sir Thomas was a smart man. He did not make any mistakes like William Hawkins. He met Jahangir and he explained the benefits of trading with England he explained that when East India Company will come here and trade, then it will give you money to trade per annum. This will benefit you as well. Jahangir understands Thomas's point and after trying for 3 years, Jahangir publishes a royal order in which East India Company is allowed to trade in a limited area. And in return, East India Company will give you a year's salary. So first of all, let's allow the factory to be opened in Surat with limited trading rights. Now after Sir Thomas returns to England, the directors of East India Company explain to him that the Mughals are very strong. There is no option to fight them. So instead of going into the land, trade through all the sea ports. And buy things from India at cheap rates and sell them in Europe at a higher price. So East India's work had started in India but their ambitions were very big. So they talked to the Sultan of Golconda and took permission for Andhra Pradesh's Machilipatnam and opened a second factory.


  • After this, in year 1620, they opened a third factory in Patna. But it didn't work so they had to close it in a year. East India Company was getting less options in India in the beginning. But in the next 20 years, wherever they got opportunities, they increased their trading volume very quickly. And the area they were in, they were strengthening their hold. Because wherever they were starting trade, there was also development in that area, so people were also settling in that area.


  • After this, the year comes, 1640. And till then, they had already settled in. They realized that the Vijayanagara Empire was getting very weak. So they didn't fight anywhere till now. They just looked at the area and gave the king different ways of trading options. So they did the same thing with the Vijayanagara King. They didn't fight. They convinced him that how they could benefit. And they went to that area and talked about trading. And after listening to the benefit, the king gave them a three-mile-long area. And this area was a fishing village which was called Madras Patnam. The king gave the area because so many people were involved in trading. So an area was decided and their living arrangements were separated. So that the common people didn't have any issues. So when they got an area here, they built forts. And the reason given was that so much stuff was kept here. So to ensure its security, it was very important to build a fort. And the fort that was built in this area was named after the Britishers. Fort St. George and then in this area, some more parts were added and later its name was Madras. So they traded here for many years.


  • After that, the year came in 1662. And the king of England at that time was Charles II. He married the Portuguese Queen Catherine. So they got an island in the dowry in India which was occupied by the Portuguese. This island was called Bumbye. Like today we call it Mumbai. And when this area was given to Britain in the dowry, then it was very easy for the East India Company to trade here. So this way, Bombay also comes to the East India Company. Now the Britishers were trading and earning. But everyone was trading at the seaport. Because the Mughals were not letting them enter properly. At that time, the area of Bengal consisted Odisha, Bengal, Bangladesh and Bihar. At that time, this area was not only in India, but also in the most prosperous areas of the world. The crops were very good and the textile manufacturing of Dhaka was on the rise at that time. So this was the reason why the East India Company had always dreamt of trading in Bengal. And this is what changes the history of India.
  • At that time, the Governor of Bengal, Shahista Khan, who was the uncle of the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, and did not like the East India Company much, so especially to convince him to trade well in Bengal, the East India Company sent William Hedges. And William was very successful in this. And by making agreements, trade also starts at a small level in Bengal. Now what happens is that in the year 1681, the director of the East India Company changes. His name was Joshia Child. So this Joshia Child was a little arrogant. So before this, the agreements that William had made, to start the trade in Bengal, he did not follow it properly. And the Governor of Bengal was not very happy about this. So he increased the tax by 2% and made it 3.5%. Joshia Child was a little arrogant. He refused to accept it. And he even threatened that if you increase the tax in this way, then we will not pay the tax and we will capture Chittagong as well. But the Governor does not listen to them and applies the tax. And all these things were going on in the year 1686. And Joshia gets so angry that he thinks of attacking for this thing. And from London, 19 warships, 200 cannons and 600 soldiers were called and he attacked on the Mughals. This happened for the first time when the East India Company apart from greed and deception. waged a direct war. But the Mughals were very strong. They defeated the East India Company in a bad way. And the people who worked for them, they were made prisoners in Surat and Dhaka. And their factories, Hougli, Patna, Kasim Bazaar, Masuli Patnam and Vishaka Patnam, they captured all these factories and closed the Surat factory. And they captured the trade in Bombay. And this was the time when the East India Company realized that they made a very big mistake. All their hard work was wasted. But they were very clever. They did not show ego but started apologizing. They even fell at their feet. They apologized for many years. Now the Mughals got used to the tax money that came from trade.


  • And then after a few years, in 1690, they are forgiven. But they are charged with 1.5 lakh rupees And after this particular time, the East India Company quietly trades for many years. And waits for the right time.


  • Now the year comes 1707 and this year Aurangzeb dies. Now after their death, the Mughal Emperor becomes very weak. And the back to back Emperor were changing. After Aurangzeb, Azam Shah came and became the Mughal Emperor. After some time, Shah Alam I came and became the Mughal Emperor. Then Jahandar Shah came and then Farrukhsiyar became the Emperor. This was going on for the next 10 years. And the Mughal Empire became very weak.


  • Now after this, the year comes 1717. And at that time, the Mughal Emperor was Farooq. Now as I told you that the East India Company wanted to trade in Bengal from the beginning. Because they used to trade from here and earn a lot. Now for this, they started sending back to back gifts to Emperor Farooq. And William Hamilton was a surgeon of the East India Company. He cured a disease of Farooq. Now with this, Farooq was very impressed. And on the request of the East India Company, Farooq sent an order to the governor of Bengal. That the East India Company will trade for free. Meaning that the import and export will not be taxed separately. And only the annual tax will be taxed. Meaning that the import and export will not be taxed. And the tax will not be taxed separately. Now they will do it for free. But the annual tax, the payment of which was 3000 rupees, they will keep on paying. This was also called Dastak at that time. So the Chief of Factory of the East India Company also got this permission. That without any checking, they could transfer the goods from here to there. The governor of Bengal did not like all these things. But he was associated with the Mughal Empire. So he had to agree. Now see, as I told you in the beginning, the entire Mughal Empire was divided into provinces. And every province was managed by the governor. So when the Mughal Empire started to fall weak so many of these provinces were separated from the Mughal Empire. They started to operate independently as a kingdom. And the governors had made themselves a Nawab. Now similarly, the governor of Bengal had also made himself independent. He had declared himself a Nawab. But even after that, he used to pay the tax to the entire Mughal Empire. Like the rest of the provinces had stopped paying taxes. So because the tax was stopped, the Mughal Empire was financially weak. And in the meantime, the Maratha - Sikhs also attacked the Mughals. And kept a lot of the areas with them. And along with this, the Mughal army's Pachtoon, Merceries, Rohilas were around Delhi. They had made their own kingdom. By doing this, all the small kingdoms were made.
  •  In the year 1707, when Aurangzeb died. only these Mughal-ruled areas left. The entire treasure of Mughal was empty. The only source of revenue left by the Mughal Empire was Bengal. Tax revenue used to come only from Bengal. The rest of the places were closed. And they were all working independently.


  • Now what happens after this is that in the year 1756, The Nawab of Bengal, Ali Wardhi Khan, died. And the new Nawab of Bengal, Siraj Ud-Daulah, He was a very strict ruler. He had a lot of problems with the activities of the Britishers. He had three main problems.
  • The first was that the East India Company, In Bengal, they were making forts in the name of trade.
  • The second problem was that East India Company was making Mughal Emperor happy, By sending gifts, and in return they were misusing policies.
  • And the third problem was that the entire Bengal Empire, The officials who Siraj would drive away, Or the ones who would become rebels, The East India Company kept them with them. Now Siraj has explained to the East India Company many times about these things. But the East India Company does not agree. So one day, Siraj, with the army of 30,000 soldiers, The East India Company's factory in Calcutta, They take over it. And their workers, They close them in a black house where there was darkness. And the next day they die. And along with this, the forts that the Britishers had made, They take them under their control. Now the East India Company wanted to keep Bengal under their control from the beginning. And the shock that Siraj gave the East India Company, It was the first time that the East India Company got it. Before this, the East India Company, Sometimes by giving greed, Sometimes by cheating, By sending some gifts, By using money, They used to get their work done. But this happened for the first time, When the East India Company had to go into direct war. So the East India Company in the South, From there, they send Robert Clive, That what Siraj has done, You go there and do it right. Because this is a very profitable place, So we cannot leave it. And here also, the East India Company, Instead of doing direct war, Played a lot of politics. Mir Zafar, who was Siraj's army commander, He wanted to become a king himself. And the second thing, there was a man named 'Jagath Seth', He was very rich, He used to give loans etc. So whoever was afraid that Siraj might attack him, So they both met Robert Clive, And he tried to convince them to be on their side. Like Mir Zafar was told that after the war, He will be made the king. And Jagat Seth, He was doing all the funding that was required in this entire war.


  •  Now after this, the date comes, 23rd of June, 1757, And the war starts. In the entire war, Siraj's commander Mir Zafar, Was on the back foot, And one day, it rains during the war. The Britishers cover their weapons, But Siraj's weapons get drenched, Because of which they don't work. And on seeing this opportunity, Mir Zafar, Pulls the army back, And East India Company wins. And according to their promise, Mir Zafar was made Nawab of Bengal. Now you see, but Mir Zafar was not made Nawab because East India Company was very firm on their promise. Because they broke the promises a thousand times. They did this because East India Company had a policy, That they didn't rule anywhere, Instead they made their own puppet king. And through that puppet king, They changed their trade policies, And took all the revenue system that was left. All in all, they had control over all the resources and money, And they kept the king to take care of the people. Because if they ruled themselves, They had to take care of the administration of the entire state, In which they were not interested at all. Today he stole, Tomorrow he killed him. And anyway, If a white person becomes the king all of a sudden, Then it is possible that the local people there, Can revolt as well. So to avoid all these things, They always made their puppet king sit. They didn't rule themselves. The Britishers kept all their money and focus, On the resources of that particular area, And the money and tax, They used to loot and bring it to them. The word loot, which you read in the dictionary, Was invented at the same time, Because of the Britishers. After this, East India Company fined Bengal, 3 crores. According to now, it will be around 3,000 crores. Wherever East India Company used to fight, Or was involved in the fight, They used to fine them. They used to say that, Because of your foolishness, You had to fight. And we spent so much in this fight, So you have to pay for this money. All this money was taken out, From the treasury or the tax revenue system. East India Company used to make many agreements, And when the agreement was not fulfilled, They used to take full control over the tax. This whole fight is called Battle of Plassey. And after this fight, The Britishers understood, That the real earning, Can only be done, When there is political control. Because when they got political control, Then they got the full tax. And they were trading in the way, That they wanted to. So after this, The Britishers gave money, And kept the locals in their army. And got more army from England. And they had more money than they needed. So wherever they needed, They used to give money to the king, And take it to their side. After Battle of Plassey, Whole area, Was under the control of the Britishers.


  • Now after this, The year comes, 1764. And at that time, The Britishers who had made the Nawab of Bengal, They were also under a lot of pressure from the common people. Because East India Company, Was taking a lot of money and resources of Bengal. So people were also under a lot of pressure from this. So because of all these things, The Nawabs of Bengal, The Nawabs of Awadh, And the Mughal Emperor, Started fighting against the East India Company. This is also called the Battle of Buxar. But their coordination here was also not good. So they lost this fight against the East India Company. After a year, In 1765, The Treaty of Allahabad happened. In which Robert Clive, He declared himself as the Governor of Bengal, And Commander of Chief. And along with this, All the Diwani rights, The East India Company had kept to themselves. Meaning that all the revenue collected in Bengal, Will be the right of the East India Company. This is what the East India Company was doing. They collected so much tax from Bihar, Odisha and Bengal, That nothing was left. In the year 1770, There was a drought in Bihar and Bengal. 70 lakhs to 1 crore people died. Now you can say that the drought is due to nature. But the main reason for this, Was the aggressive policy of the East India Company. And when people died from this drought, The tax that was meant to be collected from the people who dead, Was collected from the living people. And the leftover wheat, they kept it with them. People died from drought in that area. Bengal was such a prosperous region, They looted and spread drought there. And after looting, All this money, Which was with East India Company, was easily transferred to Britain. And got strong day by day after the Battle of Buxar, All this area was under British control. In North India, The Britishers were ruling all over but their greed was not ending. The rest of the South India area, How to take over the trade, How to take control of it, All these things were in their minds. So Mysore. And seaside is Malabar Coast. And trade used to happen from here. And the kings of Mysore controlled it. And this area, And this port, Britishers had an eye on this the king of Mysore was Haider Ali and his son was Tipu Sultan. They did not let any East India Company activity to happen, in the area of Mysore. And because of all these things, The East India Company, was not able to trade with Malabar Coast. One reason behind this, was that the King of Mysore, was aware of the East India Company's activities. And the second thing was, From this coast, This king used to trade with French companies. So there would be a conflict there. That's why they kept the Britishers away. And because of all these things, In 1761, there was a war between Mysore Kingdom and East India Company. In 1761, Haider Ali defeated East India Company. In 1780, there was a war again. And the French also helped. So Haider Ali, his son was Tipu Sultan. And in the middle of this war, Haider Ali died. So Tipu Sultan became the king. And the year is 1783. Now because all this happened in the middle of the war, So in this particular war, Tipu Sultan lost a lot of area, Which went to East India Company. And then there was an agreement. But Tipu Sultan knew, That this war with East India Company will happen again. And this time, they start preparing. Tipu Sultan was a modernized technocrat. He started importing new weapons from the French. And modernized his army. And here East India Company was also planning To attack Tipu Sultan. And this time when East India Company attacks, It takes support from the Maratha and Hyderabad regimes. And then attacks. It takes control of the biggest city of Mysore Kingdom. And keeps both the children of Tipu Sultan with itself. And then East India Company says, That until Tipu Sultan Doesn't give half of the kingdom to East India Company, And doesn't repay the fine for all these wars 3 crore rupees, which is now 3500 crores rupees if they don't give this much fine, Till then they won't leave the children. But Tipu Sultan doesn't listen to any of these things. And for help, he talk in many places, In the kingdom around them, But they don't listen. And then East India Company finally attacks, And he dies. East India Company Took 2 million Euros from Tipu Sultan's treasure. If we calculate today's date, It will be 1800 crore gold. They took this, jewelry, And other valuable items.


  • Then in year 1803, East India Company took the Mughal capital Delhi. And by then the Mughal Empire was completely destroyed. The king had no income left. Because the entire revenue was going to East India Company. And after taking control of Delhi, Maratha, With the help of which East India Company Defeated Tipu Sultan, And attacked them as well. And there were multiple wars between Maratha Kingdom and East India Company. And finally East India Company took control of Maratha Kingdom as well. And then they took control of the Sikh Empire as well. There were many fights here as well. In year 1847, East India Company introduced Doctrine of lapse. According to this doctrine, If any Indian ruler dies, Then his kingdom will automatically come under East India Company's control. If he doesn't have any male heir. And because of this rule, The Kingdoms like Udaipur, Jhansi and Awadh Were also under the control of East India Company. And by doing this, East India Company took control of the entire India. And it was not like East India Company Only made a mess in India. These people were also making a mess in their country Britain. East India Company had so much money That they increased the proximity in the British Parliament. People like Robert Clive By looting money from India The seat of the British Parliament And the MPs there started buying both. And by giving money, They started running many projects Along with the government. But slowly, the British government also started understanding this. And after some time, Parliamentary investigation was put on the company. Cases of insiders trading and bribery were put. And this company was removed.


  • Now in year 1858, The British government brought the Government of India Act. After which, India, Which was being traded by East India Company, Made India part of the British Empire. Now after this act came, The power of East India Company was abolished. Now directly the British government was controlling India. And the British Crown took over The entire administration of India. And before this, All the territories of East India Company, Revenue, possessions, everything was under the British Crown. In short, The East India Company robbed india in a planned way. All the victories they achieved, They did with fraud, bribery and fake documents. With whom they made an alliance, They were killed later. First, East India Company came, When the entire platform was ready, The East India Company was removed, And the British government came in the picture, And then they controlled India. According to Indian economist Ustad Patnaik, East India Company and after that, The British government, Looted 45 trillion dollars from India's wealth, In almost 200 years. If we look at it in today's context, The current GDP of Britain is 3 trillion dollars. East India Company and later, The British government, Looted India's wealth, But along with that, they started sending India's foreign export earnings to London. Because of all this, India doesn't have any machinery, Or any technology to import, Not even a single rupee was left. India couldn't modernize itself. The Britishers created a lot of loot in India. It is shocking that even to this day, District Administrative Officer is called a collector. This word collector was used during the British period, Who took the tax and caused the hunger. East India Company looted openly, But in a very professional way. First, they increased the tax of the common people By 3 times. Then, with the money of their tax, They bought their goods, And then they exported it to Britain. In all these years, The East India Company, Sent everything to England for free. They took the money from us and bought it from us, And then they took it and sent it to their country. A common farmer and common people Couldn't understand this at that time, That's why they created two departments. There was a separate office to collect tax, And a separate department, And a separate department to buy goods from the common people and farmers. They used to buy goods from them, So that all these things look ethical. Even today, if you see, They try to explain it by relating it to different business models. But the real thing is, This was an open loot of India's resources. Only a few Indians benefited, They were the only Indians, Who took advantage of their loot and bowed down in front of them. Even today, if you read the history of some business houses, Those who talk about This was our business model, We made our business in this way, They were all the admirers of the British at that time. Today, this modern capitalist Global system Is based on this loot. After looting money from India, Britain Invested in North America and Europe. They built railways, roads, factories. During colonialism, All the wars that Britain fought, Whether it was the First World War or the Second World War, They spent all of it on India. And then, by showing it as a debt, They kept taking revenue and interest from here for years. So next time, when you watch the Hollywood movie, And clap your hands, In which a great Britisher is fighting with Hitler like a hero, So do keep in mind, That the expense of that fight, Was taken out of your ancestors' backs. Today, everyone is taught, That the countries of Europe and America, Were made advanced because they were very innovative. Those who go to study abroad from here, Or study foreign writers, They easily accept this thing that they are more innovative than us. But look, the real history, Neither Indian students are taught, Nor are Britishers' children taught. In today's date, the whole West talks about free trade. But in the Cambridge Economic History of India, They haven't mentioned a single word, That between the year 1700 to 1846, Against the Asian textile, They had adopted such a strict policy. Next time, if you see someone talk great about the west countries Do ask them, That from year 1765 to 1945, India's export surplus earning, What did they do about it? Why don't they write about all these things in their books? After independence, even to this day, The problems that India is stuck in, Most of the centre is British rule. Whether it is our corrupt system, Ineffective judicial system, Or the corruption of the police, Or the issue of religion. There is a saying, that the money for theft comes from the mori. Britishers have taken away so much money, But their economy has been destroyed to this day. Even after getting so much money looted, India is coming back on track. As far as East India Company is concerned, To date, an Indian, Sanjeev Mehta, Has bought it. To date, this company makes luxury tea, coffee, etc.



Anonymous said…
Great writting
Anonymous said…
Great content and well writting... Just awasome..

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