what is reasons behind Iran hated Usa & Israel


  • See, there are so many countries in the Middle East, but you must be haring the name of Iran every day that Iran has given weapons to Hezbollah, Hamas and sometimes Houthis there is also talk of Iran's support in the attack that was carried out by Hamas in Israel, so what is the benefit of Iran which is going against the whole world and supporting such groups. Whereas Saudi Arabia and Iran are both Muslim countries, then what is the point that both became enemies of each other. US and Iran had a very good friendship at one time, then what incident happened that Iran and US became each other's sworn enemies? Just a few years ago, US attacked Iran's post. By imposing sanctions on Iran it brought down the entire economy of Iran. Even after that Iran has put everything at stake and is standing against the US, so what is the reason behind all these things? What is the reason behind this whole power struggle going on in Middle East?

Background History

  •  Well, before discussing all these things, there are one or two things to be discussed first. Let's do that. See, after the death of Hazrat Prophet Mohammad there was a conflict in the Muslim community regarding who would become the new Caliph. One group wanted Hazrat Prophet Mohammad's friend Hazrat Abu Bakr to become the Caliph and the other group wanted Hazrat Prophet Mohammad's son-in-law Hazrat Ali to become the Caliph. Now the Muslim community was divided into two groups regarding this. Those who considered Hazrat Abu Abu Bakr as Caliph became Sunni Muslims and those who considered Hazrat Ali as Caliph became Shia Muslims and there are many other things too but this is the main difference.

  •  Now if you see the map of the whole world, then these light green countries including India have Sunni Muslim majority and the dark green countries like Iran, Iraq and Yemen have Shia Muslim majority here, so what is meant to say is this that Shia Muslims are comparatively very less than Sunni Muslims. In the total Muslim population of the whole world, 87 to 90% are Sunni Muslims and about 7 to 10% are Shia Muslims and there is one more thing in this, like in the world the one who follows the religion of Islam is called a Muslim but it is not the case that the Muslims of India, Pakistan and the Arab, Muslims of Iran would be same. There is a lot of cultural difference among them like, Iran is a country of the Middle East and the population here is mostly of Shia Muslims, but the culture of Shia Muslims of Iran is completely different from that of Sunni Muslims of Arab. Iran considers itself culturally different from Arabs. Persian is spoken in Iran. Iran is in Middle East but not a member of the Arab League. Arab countries are those where Arabic is spoken. The Muslims there are called Arab Muslims. Arabs are the majority in the entire Middle East. Now there is no specific officially defined map of the Middle East, but generally out of 17 Middle East countries there're 13 Arab countries, Iran is not among these 13. The Sunni Muslim population of Arab dominates the entire Middle East. They are also more in number. Shia Muslims and Sunni Muslims have always been in conflict. Due to this in the Middle East, be it the Iran-Saudi proxy conflict, Iran civil war, Syria civil war, Bahrain Uprising or ISI's Shia persecution in 2014. You will see the relevance of this thing everywhere in the Middle East. In fact, without understanding this thing, it is very difficult to understand the geography of the Middle East.
  • Now look from India towards the West, here is the Middle East and here in between the countries with Arab Sunni Muslim majority, this is Iran and earlier it was called Persia. Due to its geopolitical location and resources, Iran has always been in the eye of the super powers. There are many advantages in maintaining control inside Iran and one can control throughout the region. One border of Iran is with South Asia, the other border is with Arab. Below it is the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Sea, from where the world's trade takes place. This is the Strait of Hormuz, it is here, if it is blocked then you can stop the 20% flow of oil in the world in a very short time. Talking about resources, there are reserves of oil and natural gas here, but some things happened inside Iran due to which today as of today, the 28% population of Iran is in poverty and the population at 40% is going to go into poverty in the next 2 years. See, all the things telling you in the beginning: Shia Sunni Differences, Cultural Differences, Geo Politics, Resources, all these have meanings which will be sensed in future and all these things which have been told will be found in the end.


  • It was the year 1800 and Iran was ruled by the Qajar dynasty, whose king was Fath Ali Shah Qajar. Now generally, king of any country rules the entire country, he takes control. But there was a slightly different system in Iran, here the Shia Muslim population was more people were well connected to their Shia Muslim religion and here the scholars of religion who used to spread the message of religion to the people. If they would explain to the people what the laws of religion are, then they would be more popular. These religious scholars were called Ulama and in this too, the most educated scholars were called Ayatollahs. And these Ulamas in Iran also had political power, so it was not only the king who had control, if the Ulemas said something then the king had to obey. So this system worked at that time in Iran. So at that time Iran, which was called Persia, had a border with British India and Pakistan was not separated at that time. The British were ruling over India. So Iran had a border with the Britishers. And the other border was with Russia. Now even at that time, due to the geopolitical importance of Iran and the resources, the British and the Russians were keeping an eye on it. Iran was stuck between the two super powers.

Entry of Russia 

  • Now after this comes the date of May 1804 and Russia, seeing the opportunity, attacks Iran and after defeating Iran, forcibly makes a treaty, Treaty of Gulistan. Now you can also say that the whole of Iran should be captured. Why was the treaty being made? See, Iran also had a border with the British and the British and Russia did not want to fight a battle over Iran. Both were powerful, so both wanted to eat together and eat. In this treaty, Russia took control of the Caspian Sea from Iran and took the military rights within Iran, and the Russian traders took the rights to trade on the Iranian resources. Now after some time, what happens is that Tsar Alexander of Russia dies, then King Fath Ali of Iran tries to attack Russia, now Russia will be a little weak, so the King of Iran attacks him, now rather than winning, Iran loses on the contrary and Russia again gets a treaty signed like Treaty of Turkmenchay. In this treaty, first of all because of the attack by Iran, a fine of 20 million rubles is imposed on Iran and all the Naval rights of Iran were also taken by Russia.

Entry of England 

  •  Now Russia got what it wanted. Now it was the turn of the Britishers. It was the time was October 1834, Fath Ali Shah had died. Mohammad Shah became the king and after his death, on 5th of September 1848, his son Nasir Aldin Shah became the king of Iran. He was a little aggressive. After a few years of becoming the king around 1856, there was an area named Heret which King Nasser considered to be a part of Iran. And he attacked it to take it inside Iran and here the Britishers got an opportunity and the Britishers, seeing the opportunity, attacked back. First they send Iran back and after that the Britishers also get the Treaty of Paris signed. The same things that Russia got in the North, the Britishers got the same things in the South East area of Iran so by doing this treaty etc.
  • Russia and the Britishers had divided Iran in their own way and were taking their respective shares and both did not have to fight. Now when all these things were happening, then what happened to those who were local traders of Iran they were called Baazari at that time and they had started incurring huge losses on the Iranian market where earlier they used to trade alone now the competition from the British and Russian traders had increased, due to which the Iranian traders suffered huge loss. The entire textile industry of Iran was completely taken out of the hands of the traders and the matter does not stop here.
  • In the year 1890, the tobacco industry of Iran was also given to the Britishers by King Nasser. now the textile industry was tolerated, but tobacco was consumed a lot in Iran. All the traders, from small to big, used it to run their houses. Tobacco was consumed a lot in Iran. Internally, this was a huge setback for the general public. So, protests started at various places in Iran regarding this and people started saying that the king has been sold to the foreigners and matter increases so uch that what I had told you in the beginning that the Muslim Ulemas, who were religious scholars, had to come in between. With the arrival of the Ulemas, the pressure on the king increases a lot.
  •  In the year 1892, king is pressurized a lot. He understands everything & cancels the treaty. Now due to this incident, what happens after this was that people started taking the king lightly and the stature of the Ulemas had increased a lot in Iran and after 4 years in 1896, Mirza Reza Kermani named man murderd king Nasser
  • Now after his death, on the same day, first of May 1896, Nasser's son - Mozaffar-ad-Din he was made king and he was also stuck between the Russians and the Britishers. He was not able to do much. Now, in the same year when Mozaffar became the king, there was a man from UK named William D.Arcy used to do oil mining all over the world, especially in Australia, and he stumbles on a report in his hand in which it was said that there is a huge possibility of oil extraction inside Iran and when this report comes to D. Arcy, then D taking. Arcy taking the advantage of this opportunity, he holds a meeting with King Muzaffar of Iran and gets him ready to sign an agreement on 16th of April 1901. In this agreement, it was said that for the coming 60 years, William D. Arcy will search for oil inside Iran and after finding it, later, if oil is found then it has to be extracted using technology and it has to be traded and sold in the market and profit is to be made and all these things have to be done in the same area which was the South Zone of the British. It was also mentioned in this agreement that all the profit made by extracting oil will have to be given to Iran at 16% and an annual amount was also fixed that will have to be given to Iran. Now from here, William D. Arcy, which had the full support of the Britishers, forms a company with the Government of Iran and the name of this company was Anglo Persian Oil Company and this company later on, because of this company, many problems were created for Iran. So now what happens is that oil is found, initially money is spent in finding oil and It takes a lot of time. William D. Arcy had invested all his money and when he ran out of money, the Britishers Government gave him money and after giving the money, they used to buy the shares of this company. Most of the shares of this company had come to the Britishers Government and later the name of this company was also changed. It became Britishers Petroleum, now this company was formed, oil was also being searched but oil was not found till now in Iran.


  • After this comes the year 1908 and in this year a huge jackpot is hit and a huge oil field is discovered. Now the jackpot was hit in Iran but its profit was taken up by Britishers. After this, the Britishers start extracting all the oil and started selling it & Iran gets 16% and the fixed amount annually.
  • Now look, the agreement regarding it was done earlier by Iran. But just think about it, if there is such a jackpot near your house and beyond which it is your right and you later come to know that some white person will come and take it, so the people of Iran also got very angry reagrding it that such a big jackpot has been hit which is ours but even after that we will not be able to take profit from it and from here the problems start inside Iran whose impact still falls on Iran.
  • After this entire incident, the Iranian people inside Iran started talking that the king has been sold, he is of no use and in parallel, the talk of creating a separate system started, which in the beginning I told you about Ulema, those who were religious scholars, what did they did was with the support of the people, they allowed the monarchy that was running in Iran to continue as it is. In parallel to it, they ran an Islamic Constitution in which voting, elections and all other things would happen, meaning that the king would continue to rule, but Ulema will also have its say and it was given the name Majlis.
  • Like in England, there is a constitutional monarchy where there is a queen and a king, but the whole system like Parliament etc. runs separately. A similar system was also implemented in Iran Which means that the king will rule but the laws, and other important decisions will be taken by the Majlis, basically religious groups, had got political power inside Iran, they were given different names. Islamic Consultative Assembly was also called Iranian Parliament and it was also called Iranian Majlis.
  • Now because this Majlis was completely run by religious scholars, according to their own rules, so they also made laws according to the same. Just like the Shia Muslim religion, was declared the official religion of Iran. The king and the Majlis were running Iran together, but what was actually happening was that the Majlis was taking decisions and were acting like the government of Iran. And the king was left for name's sake.


  • Now after this comes the date 16th of July 1909, King Muzaffar Aldin dies and his son Mohammad Ali Shah becomes the king and his son was a little different from their father, they were inside Iran. They were completely against the concept of the Majlis. They believed that the king could not do anything. All the decisions were taken by the Majlis by voting and making the constitution. The king was only in name. Now what would Mohammad Ali Shah does is Mohammed Ali Shah takes the help of the army and attacks the leaders of Majlis etc. and puts them in jail etc. Now the king, who was there, had closed the Majlis but the Majlis was supported by the people. A year later in 1909, what did the Majlis did was, they formed their own fighters and attacked the king, attacked his leaders and as soon as everything went out of control, Mohammed Ali, the king, seeing this, runs away to Russia, so at this particular time, no king was governing Iran, the entire Majlis was controlling it, but according to the rules of Iran, this was wrong. It was necessary to have a king, so what Majlis did was It makes the king's 11 year old son, the king and he lives like a puppet. The one who was actually running Iran was the Majlis at that particular time.
  • Now what happens in the meantime that the First World war starts and in the year 1917, many revolutions were taking place inside Russia itself. He was not able to handle his own country, so he leaves Iran and goes back to his own country. But the Britishers, i.e. UK, after getting oil it was not possible for him to leave Iran. Iran's oil had become a major part of the UK's economy and all the industries were dependent on this oil, so that is why the Britishers didn't leave Iran. They used to provide financial help from time to time, give money, help in security etc. but the people of Iran were also not happy with this. These Britishers were taking the oil and kept the entire profit or maximum profit for themselves. People were not happy at all with this and that is why what the Majlis does is - that it tells the Britishers that we do not want any of your financial help, no one wants your security. Take charge of your country and leave Iran. Initially, the British clearly refused that they would not go but then when international pressure comes then the Britishers had to go.
  •  They expel all their officials from Iran. But the Britishers were not in a position to suffer such a huge loss, then what happens is - Iran had an army head in its army, Riza Khan Pahlavi. What do the Britishers do is - They fully support Riza Khan Pahlavi and Riza Khan carries out a coup inside Iran. Raza, the king of Iran, was sent to Europe but Riza Khan knew that the Majlis had the support of the people, so he did not end the Majlis, but what Riza Khan did was to give money to some of the leaders within the Majlis. He kept some in his support, replaced some with his leaders and killed those who did not agree, then instead of removing the Majlis, he kept the complete control of the Majlis with himself and made the Majlis completely weak and at this particular time as soon as Reza Khan Pahalvi becoomes king of Iran.
  • The Qajar Dynasty ends and the Pahlavi Dynasty starts inside Iran. All these things, now it will relate to the current situation in the future, as US enters. Now, Reza Khan was completely influenced by the Western powers he came forward as a secular and modern leader and completely modernized Iran, like in 1928, men in Iran were asked to dress in European style and wearing of hats was made compulsory. Chairs were placed inside mosques. Women were banned from wearing veil and burqa. Women were encouraged to do jobs. Government jobs were opened for them. Girls were allowed inside cafes and cinemas. If you look today, there is a lot of veil, but at that time, women used to live like this.

  • This is a picture of the Iran girls of that time. At that time, boys used to wear such clothes, you will understand later that after all these things changed, how did the present purdah system come into existence? Reza Khan was doing all these things but in a selective manner. He implemented modernization and secularis but according to his own calculations and interest, like media and press were censored, trade unions were banned, political parties were suppressed, Majlis was weakened. The biggest problem with Reza Khan was that on one hand he was doing modernization but on the other hand, he had increased the taxes, now the revenue from taxes was coming to Iran, but the condition of the poor section of the society had become very bad, things had become very expensive for them, so the poor section of the society were not at all happy with Reza Khan.
  • In his time, in 1933, Reza Khan the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, which later became Britishers Petroleum had increased Iran's profit share from 16 per cent to 20 per cent and the money British companies was paying annually also increased, but it did not make any difference to the people of Iran. The people of Iran wanted complete control over their oil, so all these things keep going on, after this the Second World War starts between UK and Russia i.e. Soviet Union. Union was on one side in the war, then later US also joined the group of UK and Russia, all three were on one side, now Iran was neutral in this entire war, but when big wars happen, these neutral countries play bets on who will win and what was happening in the beginning was that Germany was feeling that Germany would win, so Iran had started its talks with Germany also, it had started entertaining Germany. Reza Khan started talking about trade with Iran and oil extraction inside Iran. Many diplomats from Germany had come and sat inside Iran and UK and Russia i.e. Soviet Union were against Germany, they did not want Germany to go to Iran. If Germany came inside Iran and sat inside, then the advantage that UK and Russia were getting in the war in terms of logistics etc. supplies would go away and Germany would get a different advantage over these three, UK, US, Russia, which these three did not want, on top of that, due to the start of Iran's oil discussion with Germany, the Britishers also became very angry.
  •  They felt that their oil industry was in danger, so the UK and Russia explained to Iran a lot that Germany should be kicked out from Iran but it was not so easy for Iran to kick out Germany, so actually Iran was stuck between all these super powers, Germany, US, Russia and when things did not work out, UK and Russia attacks Iran. This was a proper attack but UK and Russia said that due to the war going on with Germany, they are forced to do this, they will have to push Germany from Iran otherwise they will have a huge disadvantage in this whole war because their maximum which was the supply of war like food and the weapons etc. used to go through Iran and if Germany has control over Iran then it will be a big disadvantage for UK and Russia. These people can also lose the war and using this excuse they attacked. US also entered Iran to provide support like weapons, food and other supplies for UK & Russia. At that time US used to transfer supplies by train. US even landed its aircraft to support Russia and British. Now these attacks done on Iran by Russia and UK causes huge loss to Iran. Inflation in Iran increases 400 times. Unemployment was already there increases and food shortage increases further. Starvation also occurs in many areas of Iran and here the US comes in full support of Iran and whatever was needed, the US used to give it to Iran completely. This was done because the US also had to maintain our control inside Iran. Now after some time, when the war ended, it was decided that UK, US and Russia would go out of Iran, but this did not happen. UK and US had gone out of Iran, but Russia did not go. In fact, Russia creates another problem for Iran. There were some rebellious groups inside Iran, Russia supports them and breaks Iran into pieces. Azerbaijan and Kurdish Republic are made into separate countries. Look after Second World War the US had become very powerful and the interests of the US were inside Iran, so to make its number, the US went to the UN and also had influence in the UN. After going to the UN, the US says that Russia, which is against Iran. It is wrong to have entered and Russia should go out. Pressure on Russia increases and it goes out. To say Russia means Soviet Union, see US, UK, Russia may have been together in the World War but for were serving their own interests they used to push each other to enter in Iran.
  • So when the Second World War ended, the condition of all the countries was bad and only the US was left which was strong and the UK started acting like a proxy of the US. And the main leader of the world was the US, so first of all, what the US did was that it created an international consortium. The simple thing was that the UK companies were extracting oil in Iran and selling it, now the US companies also came into it and they also shared 50-50. It means that the US had now become the main player in taking advantage of Iran's oil and because of this the US has now become the main player in the internal affairs of Iran and the king of Iran, it started interfering in everything, even its policy and Iran also had a compulsion because it was getting dollars from the US and needed them. The US used to give Iran 500 million dollars aid at that time and all these things which the US was doing.
  • The first blow that it got inside Iran was in the year 1951, when a member of the Majlis of Iran, whose name was Mohammad Mosaddegh came out against the US interference in Iran. He started protesting in many ways that the king is selling Iran's oil to foreigners, the poor are dying outside and the oil is going into the hands of the whites and the most important thing he said was that the whites had done the oil deal by forming the Anglo-Iranian oil company and the agreement that was made is illegal, we do not accept it. He said this thing, now there was already so much unemployment in Iran, people were worried, so Mohammad Mossadegh was heavily supported by people. The workers of of Anglo Persian Oil Company, stopped working, went on strike. US and UK were observing all these things very closely because Iran's oil was the most important thing for them but Mohammad Mossadegh was not afraid. On the contrary, he protested even more, he gathered more people and got the oil of Iran nationalized. Nationalizing it meant that now the UK and US companies would not sell Iran's oil but Iran itself would extract and sell its own country's oil. and it has such an impact that Mohammad Mossadegh is made the PM of Iran - the king was as it is but he was helpless in front of the PM because he had huge support of the people. Now it was a huge setback for UK and US, then UK and US said that this nationalization of oil in Iran breaches this agreement and due to this US and UK imposed heavy sanctions on Iran. Secondly, the workers who were coming to Iran to extract oil from all over the world were given restrictive pressure from all over the world. Since restrictions were imposed only on buying oil from Iran, now the problem with this was that firstly, the aid that Iran was getting from the US has stopped and secondly, the food supplies, sugar etc. that Iran used to get from the US had stopped. Secondly, the thing that he had thought that he would sell the oil himself and make money, that thing also came into trouble because the countries outside were also not allowed to buy oil from Iran. Iran was in big trouble. Unemployment in Iran had increased a lot. But even after that, Mohammad Mossadegh, who was the PM of Iran, did not give up, he kept on trying. Now what happens after this, what do US and UK do is they send CIA and MI6 inside Iran and this is on record.
  • So they were sent to Iran and gave huge support to Mohammad Reza in every way and Mohammad, who was the PM, was removed from the post and after this Reza Khan started working completely according to the US and again the entire advantage of oil started going to the companies of US and UK. Now you see the irony in this that US and West talks so much about democracy and freedom of speech, but at this place, by removing the PM, that is it was establishing a king against democracy, he was establishing monarchy.
  •  Now after this comes the year 1963 and from here, things hit up like Mohammad Mossadegh had done, same thing repeats itself but this time the man who stood against US was Ayatollah as I told in the beginning that he was the most educated and the biggest religious scholar of the Shia community and his name was Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. He also says the same thing that there is too much interference from the US. The king, is selling Iran in collaboration with the US. We have the right on oil. He has made the Majlis too weak, the king is keeping PM as per his wish rigging the elections, regarding all these things, Khomeini used to give speeches. And if people like Ulema, religious scholars, Ayatollahs inside Iran give such speeches, then It has a lot of value, people support it. So, people's support came with them. As soon as the king saw that the protest was growing very fast, he got Khomeini jailed and even after that, when people were not stopping.
  • So on 4th of November 1964, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was sent out of Iran to Iraq and he was exiled. Now both Iraq and Iran are Shia majority countries but there was one more thing in Iraq which was the leadership of Iraq like Saddam Hussein. etc., these were Sunni Muslims. So what Ayatollah Khomeini did was - that he went to Iraq and gave speeches, he went and talked to the Shia leaders there and the speeches weren't normal. Very religious and impactful things were said in it, which made people very rapidly attracted to it. In the main code of these speeches, it was said that no man can run the country, nor can any common man make any law, the right to make laws belongs only to Allah. And how the country will work, how should we live in the country, what rules should be followed, it should be according to God and not according to any human being. According to them, there should be neither any king nor any democracy, there should be an Islamic rule which should be governed by the rule of God. The rules should be run and the representatives of God, the religious scholars, will implement them. In a way, the country should be run according to Sharia and they named this whole process as Velayat-e-Faki.
  • Hearing all these things, people gathered in crowd in Iran, these speeches were given in Iraq and protests started in Iran. Audio cassettes of his speeches were smuggled into Iran. This idea got more support in Iran and people started protesting at various places inside Iran. Strikes started taking place on the oil fields of Iran. People there stopped work and after seeing all these things, inside Iraq saddam Hussein was afraid that the Shia population inside Iraq, hearing this, might start protesting inside Iraq too and after seeing all these things, Saddam Hussein threw Khomeini out of Iraq and he had to go to France again. Actually, Khomeini's idea of running the country was Monarchy, i.e. monarchy; democracy all the leaders were afraid of it because if this idea started propagating among the people and people came in support of it, then their throne would have come in danger. Khomeini had come out against many big powers, now all these protests etc. were going out of control in Iran day by day and Mohammad Reza, who was the king of Iran, was becoming more afraid. In this fear, he took some decisions which backfired a lot. What did they do was - anyone who protested, any political leader or religious figure who spoke against the king, they used to send the army against him, they used to send the police, they used to get them beaten. Restrictions were also imposed on the news media. The king himself started deciding what should be published in the news.


  • In October 1977, people gathered on the streets and started protesting and a very large crowd came, most of them were students from the university that had taken part. These protests were not small protests. Look, there were crowds from far and wide. Protesters took place in Khomeini's picture. When a revolution takes place in a country and people come on the road, its reasons are very different. Like taxes have been increased too much, some wrong decision has been taken during the war, all these things happen, but the revolution of Iran was completely different, this whole revolution was developed out of hatred towards the US. People of Iran used to put up such posters on time, US flags were burnt at such places, now after this, on the sixth of January 1978, another problem arises, the king makes wrong writing in some newspapers about who Ayatollah Khomeini was and after this protests are fuled even more. It became like a cycle. People used to protest, the king used to send army and police and use batons, some people died, and then there were protests for those who died, so a cycle was formed. And the king did not have any solution for this cycle, even the US was scared after seeing all these things. The US sent military support to the king and said that if you are not able to handle it, then the US will send its military and this enraged the people even more. It was said that the US is increasing its control inside Iran. When the talks with the king could not be resolved, then martial law was imposed inside Iran. In this, all the civil rights etc. of the people are lost, but even after that protests did not stop, the entire economy of Iran sat down.
  •  In December 1978, it was Muharram and at the time of Muharram, protests were increased with full intensity. Now the lives of the king and his leaders were at risk. The king was already suffering from cancer, so he made an excuse and on the pretext of getting treatment, he left Iran as it is and went to the US to get his treatment and as soon as the king left.

Return of Ruhollah Khomeini

  • Khomeini returned to Iran and was welcomed by a huge crowd. This is the image from the newspaper of that time. What did Khomeini do as soon as he came to Iran was that removed all the PMs etc. and in April 1979, voting was conducted in which 98% votes were in favor that Iran neither needs a king nor any model of democracy but to make Iran an Islamic Republic. And the voting was in its favor and as soon as the voting was in its favor, Iran became an Islamic Republic country in the year 1979, this is called Islamic Revolution in Iran which changed Iran forever and a Theocracy was established inside Iran. Just like there is democracy where the people rule, there is monarchy where the king rules, which is called monarchy, similarly in theocracy, it was said that there are some representatives of God, they'll make laws etc. and will be the final decision makers to who are called Supreme leader. So, in the model of Iran, there is a Supreme Leader who takes the final decisions, who is at the top and below him all the things like President, Parliament elections etc. Then after the Islamic revolution in Iran, as per Supreme Leader Sharia law was introduced in Iran and all the power was with the Ulemas and apart from the military, a separate Islamic Revolution Guard was formed whose job was to protect the theocracy in case any military etc. comes and tries to overthrow it or try to remove the Supreme Leader, their job was to stop him.
  •  This is still the system in Iran. Syed Ali Khomeini is the current Supreme Leader and Ibrahim Raisi is the President and when all these things happen and the Islamic Revolution is complete, then what do people do is In the American embassy in Iran - all the people climbed the gate and reached inside the embassy. On the day of 4th of November 1979, 52 American officers were taken prisoner and people said that the king of Iran who committed a lot of atrocities during the protest on us and send him back who is sitting in US on the pretext of cancer we will punish him and if you do not send him back, then we will not spare the officers inside your embassy, but after some time Riza who had gone to the US for treatment who was being demanded - died due to the disease. And Algeria somehow saved the Americans who were taken captive, they were then released. Iran imprisoned 52 Americans for 444 days. After the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini said another such thing due to which the leaders of all the Muslim countries around Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait became tense. Khomeini said that no human being rules except Allah, it is wrong to do this on any country and we will bring the same revolution in other countries too and spread this thing, be it Saudi Arabia or Iraq or the rest of the Arab world, everywhere kings run the country and they had seen how kings and US which was a super power could not do anything, now Iraq which was right next to it, was more afraid of this thing of Iran, so Saddam Hussein thought of attacking Iran and there were many reasons behind this.
  • First of all, that their proxies, who were Islamic Revolution Guards, were entering from the border of Iran they were giving speeches against the monarchy in Iraq. There were many such Shia popular leaders inside Iraq who were killed by Saddam Hussein. the talk about that was also spreading very fast. Along with this, there were many other reasons behind Iraq's attack on Iran, such as there were disputes between Iran and Iraq regarding the area of Khuzestan itself. Iraq wanted to take control over it, there were a lot of resources here and at the same time, Shatt al Arab Waterway was a very important part for oil export for both the countries, but Iran had also shared it among themselves by putting pressure on Iraq. Iraq had thought that at the time when Military is weak, it would be right to attack by taking advantage of this and find a solution to all these things which are spread inside the unstability of this region, but it does not happen as it was thought, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, everyone was supporting Iraq, everyone wanted it that Iran should be defeated but on the other hand Khomeini had sworn that he would not stop fighting until he removed Sunni leader Saddam Hussein. This war continued for about 8 years from 1980 to 1988 but no solution was found. In the end, the UN has to enter it and then there is a ceasefire. Now after some time, Khomeini's health deteriorates. On the 3rd of June 1989, he dies due to a heart attack. A large crowd gathers in his funeral. 10.2 million people gathered for 32 km. Next day, 4th of June 1949, elections are held immediately to decide who will become the next Supreme Leader. Ali Khamenei gets 60 votes out of 74 members. The spelling of Khamani is different in both. Ali Khamenei became the Supreme Leader of Iran. Ali Khamenei of Iran was a student of Ayatollah Khomeini and if we talk about the top five leaders in the entire Islamic Revolution that took place, then he was one of the top five leaders of Iran. Even today, he is the Supreme Leader. Even after this, multiple conflicts occurred. Many sanctions were imposed on Iran but Iran was not backing down. US, West, Saudi Arabia, Israel - Iran had become a bone of contention for everyone. The first thing is that in any situation, Iran couldn't shake hands with US. Supreme Leader in Iran had become the Supreme Leader by doing the Islamic Revolution and in the entire Islamic Revolution, the US was the center of attraction. People were told only how the US was looting and only then that revolution was successful and in the future, if any Supreme Leader or the entire system goes and joins hands with the US, then a lot of problems will arise because the faith of the people will be broken that they made a revolution by speaking against the US and then shook hands with US. So, its difficult for US and Iran to meet. It is not that if Iran wants then the US will meet. US has also not forgotten that thing. The US openly says that this Islamic Revolution that occurred was a state-sponsored terrorism and only people were fooled in it. In fact, in 1984, US President Ronald Regan had declared the Islamic Republic of Iran a state-sponsored terrorism and till date the US has not backed down from this but the matter does not end here either. The problem of US in the Middle East, is something else too.

Israel point of view 

  • If I ask you which country has the top five or top 10 oil reserves of the whole world, then in top five there're three countries: Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, these are from the Middle East. If you see in the map, such a small area, but the oil of the whole world is controlled from here and if I tell you, these are the world's top nuclear war head countries, if I ask about them, who are on the top, then you will find the names of everyone like US, Russia, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan, but you will not find the name of even a single oil producing country of the Middle East. in the list of nuclear war heads and they will never be there in life. Now you will say on this that Iran is making Iran, it will make. Then yes, see, there is a possibility for Iran but there are many games going on behind it too. Now see, until there is only and only Israel in the Middle East having nuclear until then Israel will dominate, and as long as Israel dominates, the US will have its own control over the Middle East, the US will have control over it, and China and Russia, who do not want the US to act on its own, so gradually bringing Iran to power. And Iran will become stronger only and only from nuclear. You must have heard about a nuclear deterrence, because of this the two nuclear countries are not able to fight with each other and there is a rescue in between. Think about it, if any two nuclear countries have fought among themselves, they are not allowed to fight. Now if I talk about Israel, then no matter how much they go and kill Iran or trouble Palestinian, nobody will interfere much but if Iran gets nuclear then this war will be balanced. The world will not allow a war to happen. So, by giving nuclear powers to Iran efforts are being made to balance the power in the region, like the countries which are against the US do not want the US alone to rule here, hence they want Iran to become a nuclear power which'll balance power. Like, when India became a nuclear power Many countries had also helped Pakistan in making nuclear weapons. The entire nuclear program of Iran is also in a very complicated state. See, to make nuclear weapons, a different uranium is required, uranium 235 isotope, this is used. But the maximum natural uranium found is Uranium 238. Now this Uranium 238 is enriched to make Uranium 235, so the complete process that is made is called Uranium Enrichment. You might've heard this word a lot in the news, then Iran is doing Uranium enrichment. As of today until this date, Iran has enriched the uranium at 60% and what is used for making weapons is required at 90%, so the whole game is about this enrichment. Further Weapon Technology built, but the main game is about this.
  •  Right now, Netanyahu, who is the PM of Israel, had explained in the UN that how far Iran has reached in uranium enrichment, but what happens is that as Iran moves forward, it is pushed back. All the scientists of Iran in this entire program are attacked by some unknown people and the program stops there or goes backward and Uranium enrichment is not the only issue for Iran, money is also a big problem, a lot of money is required for this. US has imposed sanctions on Iran in every way, so Iran also has a lot of money problems and a lot of money is required to become a nuclear power. If I talk about the US, then till the year 1996, the US had spent 773 billion dollars in building it when it was very small and 6.1 trillion dollars had been spent in deploying it. It takes more money to deploy. There is an Atomic Audit, you will get a file with this name on the internet, all these things are mentioned in it. So, Iran is also facing the problem of money and along with it Israel and Saudi Arabia, this is also a big challenge for Iran, neither of these want Iran to become strong there and Iran and Saudi Arabia were friends before the Islamic Revolution but since then they have become big rivals. Iran is the oldest country in the Middle East, it has a very long history. Whereas if we talk about Saudi Arabia, it was formed only in 1932 and as soon as it was formed it has become the leader of the entire Muslim world. The holy places are also in Saudi, whereas Iran being so old, it has less land in the Middle East as compared to Saudi Arabia and it is not even a leader. If we talk about Iran, it has an area of 1.64 million square kilometers and has a population of 8.79 crores, whereas Saudi Arabia, which was formed only in 1932, has an area of 2 million square kilometers and has a population of only 3.6 crores. The first thing about it is that Iran likes this difference a little less and second, Iran believes that it is an Islamic country and it should be the leader of the Muslim Ummah, but instead of that, Saudi is the leader. So Iran is the one who wants to do the same project. It tries to show that the Saudis are sitting in the lap of the US and are supporters of the US, bases of the US are inside Saudi Arabia, whereas Iran, we are an Islamic country. We are in support of the entire Muslim Ummah and by doing all this it wants to become a leader in the Middle East and there is a huge enmity between Saudi Arabia and Iran regarding all these things. In Any conflict in the Middle East Saudi Arabia and Iran, both of them are looking after their own interests and stand against each other.
  •  Let me explain you an example, like Bahrain, when this conflict occurred then Iran supported the Anti-Government groups, but Saudi supported the monarchy of Bahrain. Similarly in Lebanon, Iran supported the Shia led Hezbollah. whereas Saudi Arabia supported the government of Lebanon, similarly if we talk about Yemen, Iran supports the Shia led Houthi rebels, whereas Saudi supports the government of Yemen and supports the Sunni population. Just in 2016, Nimr al-Nimr was a Shia religious figure in Saudi. He protested within Saudi that this monarchy should be down and elections should be held in Saudi Arabia, then Saudi Arabia gave death sentence to Nimr al-Nimr by blaming Iran's hand in this. Saudi does not take even a little risk. Not only Saudi, but the entire Muslim world has seen that in just one year in Iran, US and the king had come to their knees despite being so powerful, so they do not want to take any risk at all.
  •  And Iran has also changed many of his stances and has different strategists to become the leader of the entire Middle East. Just like earlier it used to talk about Shia only, today he talks about both Shia and Sunni because it has understood that whenever Shia and Sunni divides, it faces loss. Iran cannot become the leader of the Muslim world without the support of both Shia and Sunni.
  • Like let me tell you the example of Hamas, Hamas is a Sunni led group and on Hamas allegations have also been made that people exploit the Shia minority in Gaza but despite that, Iran supports Hamas to fulfill its interests. Other groups in Palestine, they will talk about nationalism and remain in support of the Arab world. But Hamas remains against Israel and hence Hamas and Iran get along very well and in any situation, Iran will have to stand against Israel because only from here its interests will be fulfilled. There is a religious dispute in Jerusalem and if Iran talks about becoming the leader of the Muslim world and will not stand with the Muslims in the religious dispute, then it will not be able to become the leader. Second Israel, which is a Jewish country and Palestine is a Muslim country. The issue of Palestine is a big cause for the Muslims of the entire world. If Iran fulfills this big cause of the Muslim world, then it will emerge as a big cause in the Muslim world and in this case, if even if it is able to do this and struggles through its proxies, it still has benefits because the message will be sent to the Muslim world that Saudi, which is so strong, is sitting in the lap of the US, while Iran, which is weak it is struggling, it is not thinking about its economy, even after that it is fighting.

Current Situation 
  • And if I talk about the current situation, Iran cannot fight directly, be it US or Israel. Israel has the military power which is weak. If I talk about Iran's air attack, it is far behind Israel, its even further behind USA but even when the Islamic Revolution of 1979 happened, even then Iran did not have such a big military power. Khomeini won even after that. The Islamic Revolution occurred inside Iran. Iran together with Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas is responsible for the proxy war has been becoming a headache for both US and Israel. Out of the five branches of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards, there is Quds Force, their intelligence and full time job is Hezbollah and Hamas giving weapons etc. to such proxies & to support them. What you are seeing in red in the image, all these are proxies of Iran which stand against Israel and US, what you are seeing in the image, they have done so many attacks since 2018 and if Hamas, Hezbollah Houthis become the leaders of their countries in future, then the biggest benefit will be to Iran and the interest of Iran will be fulfilled, so Iran is looking at all these things as a long term investment, now those sanctions are being imposed. Its economy is gone, but in the long run, what it is thinking about, with which it is moving forward its supporting the proxies, if it is completed even at 72%-80%, then whatever Iran wants will be fulfilled.
Reference :  


Anonymous said…
Good content 👍🏻
Anonymous said…
Well describe
Anonymous said…
Awasome article
Anonymous said…
Well researched content...

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