Thrilling Fact About HAMAS - ISRAEL Conflict
Introduction Israel's entire history - how did jews emerge? How was their country formed? What was their kingdom? Why jews had to leave? How did Jerusalem became important for Christian, Muslim and Jews.... We've already discussed this in a previous blog. In this blog, we'll talk about the issue of the Palestine land that couldn't be solved even by all the countries of the world What is the entire story of Hamas? How Hamas, which was created by Israel, is becoming a threat to Israel itself? And now, even in the current situation, when they already now that Even after knowing that Israel will retaliate heavily, why did Hamas attack? We'll discuss all these things in detail. Background Brief So after the Britishers left, this entire issue moves to UN and in 1947, UN brings a Partition Plan in which two state solution was imposed. 45% Area was given to Palestine and 55% area was given to Jews and the Jerusalem was kept under UN's own control. This is the ...