Thrilling Fact About HAMAS - ISRAEL Conflict


  •  Israel's entire history - how did jews emerge? How was their country formed? What was their kingdom? Why jews had to leave? How did Jerusalem became important for Christian, Muslim and Jews.... We've already discussed this in a previous blog.
  • In this blog, we'll talk about the issue of the Palestine land that couldn't be solved even by all the countries of the world What is the entire story of Hamas? How Hamas, which was created by Israel, is becoming a threat to Israel itself? And now, even in the current situation, when they already now that Even after knowing that Israel will retaliate heavily, why did Hamas attack? We'll discuss all these things in detail.

Background Brief

  • So after the Britishers left, this entire issue moves to UN and in 1947, UN brings a Partition Plan in which two state solution was imposed. 45% Area was given to Palestine and 55% area was given to Jews and the Jerusalem was kept under UN's own control.
  • This is the Map. Yellow part belongs to Palestine and the Orange part belongs to Israel and this White part, which is Jerusalem had been taken under UN's control. Now as soon as UN passes this two state solution, Israel happily accepts it because its wish gets fulfilled but Arab countries directly reject to accept it. Because they were not demanding two state solution, Arab wanted single state plan but two-state plan means two countries will be created - Israel & Palestine and one-state plan means, only country will be created - suppose Palestine where Christians, Muslims and Jews will live together where Muslim law will be followed. So, you'll notice whenever Israel & Palestine conflict is sought to be resolved then all over world, two state solution or single state solution is talked about. Most of the countries talk about two state solution. So, UN implements two-state plan and Israel accepts it very easily.
  •  On 14th of May, 1948 Israel announces Independence and creates State of Israel now Palestine didn't have any leadership, military so it couldn't retaliate so, Arab countries came in support of Palestine on 14th of May, 1948 Israel was created. On its next day, 15th of May, 1948 - Arab countries Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan together attack on Israel. Israel was a small country which was created just a day before. If we look at it, all these countries would've defeated Israel but that doesn't happen. This war goes on until a year & Israel defeats the Arab countries and after defeating, the area that was divided by UN by creating two state that's a far thing - Israel covers even more area than what it had befgre 
  • Look at this, this area was before the war and after winning the war this Violet part is taken up by Israel itself. And after this Israel Arab war and agreement is signed which was also called Armistice agreement 1949 a temporary line was created in it which was called as Green line that leave whatever was declare by UN for now until this gets to a way, green line will be followed.
  •  This is the map including green line, So the map which was created after this map was entirely different from the one made by UN. In this the gaza part went to Egypt and the another part to Jordan and this Jordan's part was called West Bank because it was located to the west of Jordan river. Rest went to Israel. Israel-Palestine war is very old & its still continuing that's why its also called Cursed War.
  • Now, when the things happened nothing was left for Palestine and in a way Palestine, the country, was entirely finished off. And when the country didn't exist, then 7 lakh palestines becomes refugees palestines remeber this date until today. This day is called Nakba Day. Let me add one more thing to it that - Arabs were fighting for Palestine but when Palestines became refugees, then Arab didn't take those refugees none of the 3 countries offered Palestines to become their citizen. In fact, at that time these countries made the law of citizenship even more strict. From the side, UN was pressurizing Israel that the two state solution we implemented should be followed. In Answer to this, Israel said that there's a threat to security to us. Give the area occupied near Jordan and Egypt to Palestine. But Jordan and Egypt said that, by doing this Israel will harm our position again And it'll attack again that's why when we'll get the entire Israel, then the palestines will be re-settled altogether until the it'll be under our control.

PLO Establishment

  • A few years after this war, even the palestines felt that they should've something of their own so, in 1964 Palestine formed PLO - Palestine Liberation Organization whose main aim was to take the land back from Israel but in the beginning when was PLO was newly formed, it wasn't much impactful. Now after 3 years, in 1967 Arab countries attack Israel again. Exactly on June 5th 1967, this war starts and ends on 10th of June, 1967. That's why its called Six-Day War. In this war Israel defeats the 3 countries - Egypt, Jordan and Syria again. In this war, Israel firstly takes Gaza strip from EGYPT, after that they go towards Jordan and take away west bank from it. And they don't stop there - then they move towards Syria and take away Golan heights. And along with it, they take Jerusalem in their own control. If you have seen previous blog , then you might know that how important Jerusalem is for Jews. After this war, Jews said that - after 18 years they took back their kingdom. According to their calendar, the day this happened they celebrated it as Jerusalem day after this war. So, when the war ends Israel gets the 100% area. Now, they got the 100% area But along with that area they got 2 million palestines as well. And the biggest question was that - since the country Palestine didn't exist so, which country's citizen will these 2 million palestines become? Now, Israel didn't want to give citizenship to these 2 million palestines because if they did that, then palestines would get right to vote. Then they would vote in election and couldn't have led their leader to win. So, they didn't want these things to happen. If it was considered from overall population, then the number of Palestine would be more. So, they could've taken power in thier hand. The entire hard work of Israel could've been in vain that's why they didn't want to do it. So, neither they could give the citizenship of Israel to these 2 million people nor they could deport them outside neither they could kill them. And nor they wanted to give them a separate country consisting of west bank & Gaza strip. Because they believed that - their security would come at risk. So, Israel identified such places of West bank and Gaza strip where the palestines resided. They identified every area and every inch and divided it in sections and assigned military to that area. And then in the surrounding areas slowly they started to settle jews. And jews got land and home for free just to settle & in many cases, they even got Government jobs. Let me explain you with a map what I mean to say.

  • This is the map of Israel, this is west bank and if we zoom on it then it looks like this - the dark brown area in it are the homes of palestinians - and in light brown area there're palestinians homes & Israel's military is in control. They settles jews in the blue dots that are visible. And they've kept their military bases in blue squares that are visible. With which everyone's movement can be controlled, attacks don't occur and they did the same thing in the Gaza strip. It was understood from these actions of Israel that, the back to back war that occurred - they won't trust anyone & they didn't seem to be in the mood to give the place to palestinians. That's why you'll see that - until today's date be it any Israeli politician he'll say that two state solution should be there but - what will be the borders of the state ! They always keep quiet on it. UN often talked about this matter - that the Jews that're being settled this is illegal but Israel said that - we cannot put our security at risk. This was the reason that the country Palestine, if you ever search it on Google map then you'll not be able to find it. Because the country - Palestine didn't survive. There was one more thing in it that - be it Gaza strip or West bank water supply, electricity, telecommunications - everything belonged to Israel.
  • So, in 1946 this was the map. Then, this was the Map made by UN. And after that this was the map & in today's date this is the map. Now, all the things that Israel was doing - the Arab countries reach UN and say that the border before 1967 that means, the green line that was there that we decided ask Israel to go back to it and give the Gaza strip, West bank & Golan heights to us. But this time, Israel denied even UN. Now, so many wars have been fought a war was fought even in 1973 and even the Arabs were tired of fighting. And now there was a fear in fighting that the they wee losing even more area. Like, Syria's Golan heights Israel had occupied that. So, slowly Egypt & Jordan signed a peace agreement with Israel. So, when the palestinians saw that Egypt and Jordan - signed a peace agreement then they understood that they need to fight this battle themselves. In 1964, the PLO that was formed activates again after the war of 1967. This time, the leaders of palestines gather. Actually, out of Israel palestinians were raising their voice against Israel in small groups PLO was formed by gathering all these groups, so actually PLO was formed from multiple groups.
  • Similarly, there was a young refugee in Gaza strip Yasser Arafat who went to study in Persian Gulf but he gathered some palestinians there and made a party named - FATAH. At that time, this party used to involve in revolutionary sruglle againts Israel. So, this party merged with PLO. Among all the groups that PLO was composed of - the biggest group was of FATAH party. And this was the reason that the leader of FATAH Party - Yasser, Arafat was made the chairman of PLO. As soon as he became the chairman of PLO - he operated it in two ways. Firstly, they made PLO's political wing. Secondly, he made such a wing of PLO that would involve in common struggle against Israel and attack on the military of Israel & among them was Palestine Fedayeen Now, while being in Israel and doing against Israel was very difficult so, PLO started operating out of Israel in the beginning. PLO and Yasser Arafat were called terrorists in the beginning but look at the irony that Yasser got Nobel Peace Prize in future that I'll tell you further. So, this PLO first operated from Jordan in 1970 but further when Jordan was pressurized, then Jordan threw them out of its country. Then after 1 year, in 1971 they started operating from Lebanon but slowly, even Lebanon was pressurized. So they had to flee from there as well & when their people saw them struggling, then their respect increased and even the Arabs started to help them. The PLO was increasing very quickly. Whatever the leader's of PLO decided were obeyed by palestinians but after that comes the year 1987 and on 9 December, 1987 such a thing happens that becomes a threat to Israel. actually there was a refugee camp in Gaza Strip in Israel named - Jabalya Refugee camp. An Israeli defense truck was passing near it and the truck got into such an accident that there was a car - due to which four people died. And the 4 people that died lived in Jabalya Refugee camp itself. Now, when the funeral of these 4 people goes out, more than 10,000 palestinians gathered for it. And everyone was in huge anger & slowly, it was being talked about that - this accident was intentional. And then the crowd becomes out of control - it attacked the camps of Israel threw bottles with fire, they started protesting. Performed violence in many ways, they started writing against Israel on walls. So, all these things started in that area. Now, in response to this Israel sends more than 80,000 soldiers to Gaza strip which increases the tension lots of lives were lost from the side of local palestines and Israeli forces. Slowly, this news reaches from Gaza strip to West bank and the palestinians in the west bank get angered. And at this time, the leaders of PLO join forces with their people. This was the first time when it looked like Israeli forces were coming to back-foot. Because in the conventional war, Israel was winning but in the crowd of common people even if you put 100 tanks in front of them, how will you know that among them who is an attacker and who is a normal person who's going to do his work. This fight goes on continuously for 6 years which was called - first intifada which started on 8th of December 1987 & ended on 13th of September 1993.

Establishment of HAMAS

  • When this first intifada was going on in Gaza strip there was an organization in Gaza strip named - Muslim Brotherhood. This organization Muslim Brotherhood was allowed to build Islamic center, to perform charity, to collect money for poor palestinians or for constructing schools for children by Israel. This organization was in the support of Palestinians but it didn't merge with PLO and involve in common struggle & violence. At that time, in Gaza strip it was promoting the Islamic teachings that's why Israeli miliary and government funded it a lot to make mosques in Gaza strip & due to this their palestinain followers in Gaza strip were increasing rapidly when this first intifada too place in Gaza strip & the truck incident that occurred on 10th of December, 1987 - some leaders of Muslim Brotherhood gathered and did a meeting at Sheikh Ahmed Yassin's house. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin was the head of the organziation Muslin Brotherhood, so in this meeting the leaders said that - protests are occurring in the whole of Gaza people are angry. If we won't support them then we'll deliver the wrong message. Our followers can also get angry. their support from organization would decrease. Now, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin - leader of Muslim Brotherhood didn't want to involve in any of these he said that - we shouldn't involve in any type of violence. It won't benefit and this is not the right time but his leadership did one thing right that same year in 1987, a new wing was made from Muslim Brotherhood named Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya which was called HAMAS in short. Now, when this HAMAS was formed - few days later a palestinian refugee joined it whose name was Muhammad deif - who is the most wanted terrorist in today's date and the attack that occurred on 7th October - the entire attack was planned by him. I'll further tell you about that. So, when HAMAS was created - it started protests. PLO was a huge tension for Israel at that time and on the other hand - this Muslim brotherhood organization was gaining its followers. So, to weaken PLO owned the policy of Divide and Rule. Israel gave support and funds to HAMAS in against to PLO so that they would stand against PLO - this was officially accepted by Ron Paul - Former Republican Congressman in front of Floor of House that Hamas was formed to counter PLO's Yasser Arafat.
  •  And Yasser Arafat who was the head of PLO, told this to an Italian newspaper himself that Hamas is a creation of Israel, in fact - Israel's Brigadier general Yitzhak - who was there in Gaza for a long time told New York times that they funded and supported Hamas in the beginning. In future, this Hamas started attacking against them. Mr. Cohen who worked in Gaza strip for 2 decades told in the official statement hat - “Hamas, to my great regret is Israel's Creation” they even wrote a letter to his seniors that - the divide and rule policy will backfire Israel and further - it becomes the truth that Hamas they created is troubling them until now.
  • Israel defeated so many armies in the war won so many wars but they didn't have any soldi plan for Hamas' Guerrilla warfare. due to which, so many innocent lives were lost. When the first intifada was going on - then Hamas was silent for 2 years they would peacefully protest - but it showed its true colors on 1989. It did the first attack on two Israeli Avi Sasportas and ilan Saadon, who were killed and from here, they went on being brutal day by day. It set fire to the school buses did bomb attacks, several destructions - they were so radical to the extent that they wore the bomb themselves and attacked people. And where other palestinian groups fought with Israeli Ministries, their army they targeted Civilians and slowly, they made their political wing as well. First intifada took place from 1987 to 1993 and and Israel becomes so frustrated with them that - for the first time it was ready for a discussion. First intifada that took place, actually showed a path to the Arab world how to bring Israeli forces on backfoot so when the discussion starts, in the beginning Israeli PM Rabin and Yasser Arafat from PLO, secretly without telling anyone started negotiating at a city in Norway - OSLO which was mediated by Bill Clinton and Norway's Government. When everything was final, then this was made public and in White House on 13th of September, 1993 - Oslo agreement was signed. This agreement stated that, firstly Israel and Palestine will recognize each other. Secondly, both will set some conditions together among which one was that West bank and Gaza strip would be given to Palestinian authority, who's first president would be Yasser Arafat. After this agreement, Palestine didn't become a country but small things were implied. Like, the palestinians living in west bank & Gaza strip had small concerns - to resolve them a palestinian authority was formed through PLO. Members were added to it & internal election & voting system was introduced. Means the party who receives the highest vote will put forward the issue of Palestinians in both Gaza and west bank. In a way, voting was for the representative of the entire palestinians the voting would be conducted for that. The area of West bank & Gaza was divided in 3 sections,
  • Area A in which both government and security both will be controlled by palestinians.
  • Area B where the government will be controlled by palestinians and security will be controlled by Israel.
  • Area C which will be entire controlled by Israel.
  • For signing the Oslo agreement, Yasser Arafat and Israel's PM was given Nobel Peace Prize as well. But due to this Oslo Accord, Israel and Palestines both of them were angry. Yitzhak Rabin, PM of Israel was shot for this agreement and The Israeli Government that took the decision for this agreement was removed as well. In opposition of this agreement - a rally was organized in Israel named - Death to Rabin. In which, the present PM - Benjamin Netanyahu took part as well. After this, Netanyahu became the PM & side lined itself from this peace agreement. Be it PLO or Israel, whoever talked about peace agreement was killed. They would call him 'Traitor'. After this agreement, Yasser's people were also angry with him & their popularity decreased as well. Palestinian people said that - where we're talking about the entire area & you asked some mere things. On the other hand, Hamas started saying that PLO sold Palestine. After that Hamas attacked lot of times, then Israeli government attacked as well. Civilians lost their lives from both side. The matter became so much worse that Oslo agreement had ben forgotten and PLO whose image was very good in front of Palestinians that image was ruined, PLO's position degraded as well. The support turned towards Hamas - people felt that Hamas is the one who'll help them return Palestine due to which Hamas & PLO's Fatah party suffered many clashes.
  • After that, comes the year 2000 & on 28th September, 2000 such a situation occurs that second intifada starts. Actually, Israel's PM took 1000 soldiers to Temple Mount which is also called al-haram & al-sharif there he even gave some statement - among which one was - Temple Mount belongs to Jews. Due to this, the palestinian get outraged again along with common people and violence starts again. there were protests in different places, many people lost their lives. Hamas did a heavy attack as well. And 2nd intifada took place from 2000 to 2005 To calm it, Israel removed all the Jews from the Gaza Strip. The benefit of second intifada was that - Israel government came to a little backfoot they removed the Jews that lived in Gaza strip. And Gaza strip only consisted of the remaining Palestinians. If I talk about Gaza Strip, then until 2004 - 7826 jews lived there & after second Intifada all of them left. After this, on November 2004 when PLO's head Yasser Arafat dies and Mahmoud Abbas - who belonged to Fatah Party, become PLO's chairman And after that PLO becomes even weaker. On the other hand, Hamas becomes even more popular. When PLO talked about taking the entire Israel then PLO became successful and when Hamas talked about taking entire Israel, then Hamas became successful and both these parties, Hamas & PLO's Fatah party - started fighting amongst themselves a lot. After this, on 26th of January 2006 internal elections were held in west bank & Gaza that who'll be the representative of the palestinians. So, Israel and US - both didn't want Hamas to win because they did lot of attacks, troubled Israel a lot and weren't even ready to recognize Israel. PLO, US & Israel - all three of them were very sure that PLO will win in this election. Israel gave the excuse of security and denied Hamas of any campaign in different places so, after the elections end & results are announced on 29th of January 2006 and what everyone feared of happened. Hamas won by bumper votes on 74 seats. All the palestinians were supporting them & the leader of Hamas - Ismail Haniya who's the leader even now. The recent attack imposed on 7th October included him. So, he thought that now he'll himself rule on Gaza and west bank so after this election, Hamas is told to bide by conditions they're asked to recognize Israel and he is told to bide by some other conditions but Hamas entirely denies. So, as soon as Hamas denies - firstly, the tax that Israel used to collect from palestinians and give it to palestinian authority, he stopped giving it. After that, US who used to give aid stopped its supply. The matter becomes worse that both parties Fatah party and Hamas - their leaders & their supporters fight amongst themselves and take up weapons. The battle goes on for many days - this fight is called Battle of Gaza which took place in 2007 after this fight, the west bank area - Fatah party had thrown Hamas out of it. And Fatah party started ruling. And Hamas had thrown Fatah party out of Gaza strip & started ruling itself on Gaza strip. And since then, till today no elections were held this two parties - west bank & Gaza Fatah party in west bank and Hamas in Gaza - both are ruling. PLO's Fatah party still talks about peace, finding solutions but Hamas party talk about finishing Israel. And Hamas is even very popular now - its not that lot of times have passed even now its very popular.
  • In 2021, Palestinians Center for Policy and Survey Research performed a survey in west bank & Gaza strip in which they took samples of about 1200 people among which 53% palestinians supported Hamas Now what happens is, after so many things that took place - there's a peace process. First it was going on between two parties - Israel and PLO now a third party has entered into it - Hamas. So, things became even more complicated. Hamas even started getting support from Arab. Iran supported Hamas a lot. It even supplied weapons. So, by using those weapons, not once but since many years while sitting in Gaza strip fires missiles on Israel back to back, time to time - whenever there's an issue. And due to Hamas's attack Israel developed Iron Dome which stops missiles in the air itself Hamas fired missiles in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022 and if we include - 2023 then in all these years & attacked Israel. And after that Israel attacks them back, which takes the lives of civilians & when Hamas attacks then the Israeli civilians lose their lives. Due to this, Israel has blocked Gaza strip from all sides means Air, land, water they cannot move out in any way. The entire Gaza strip is blocked - as earlier Quarantine used to done it is quarantines in that way. The movement of Gaza strip is even restricted to west bank but you need permission to go. There're many palestinians who hadn't even seen their leaders they never met them. They only saw them on T.V. Because Gaza strip is blocked from all four sides, Israel has blocked it be it Air, Water, Land So, Hamas found its solution. They made underground tunnels in Gaza strip from where they come out in Egypt & from there they start their movement buy weapons. In most of the cases - Hamas buys weapons from Iran because experts say that Iran's engineers make low cost missiles & because US has already banned Iran so, they smuggle the components of these missiles the components of their missiles are cheap. So, they're constructed very cheaply. Some missiles are even made from sugar powder & these missiles were used by Hamas in 2014 against Israel. By investing only a few millions, they fire missiles in thousand of number on Israel & to intercept those missiles, the ones that intercept with Iron domes For that, Israel has to spend even more money. Gaza strip, though, is blocked by 4 sides but Iran's revolutionary guard use different ways to deliver them weapons.
  •  The short and medium ranged missiles are shipped via Sudan and Egypt or they deliver through sea. And often we even get news, that they dump huge missiles in Suez Canal and share the co-ordinates with Hamas & from there Hamas takes these missiles. Arab countries, whenever they like - can organize attacks to keep Israel on check.

7th October Incident

  • Hamas did lots of attacks but, the current music festival incident on 7th October - the main reason is the battle between Israel and Hamas in 2021 and this was confirmed by the leaders of Hamas in audio recording. The battle of 2021 escalated so much that the day this incident occurred the same day, the plan for attack on 7th October 2023 was made. Actually, in 2021 at Jerusalem the Islamic Waqf Officials claimed that Israeli Officers cut the wire of loudspeaker and they did this because a speech was to delivered at Western Wall and they didn't want the ritual prayer of Muslims to happen at that time. Due to this Israeli security Palestinians argue a lot, fight but on 15th of April 2021 a video gets viral on Tik tok in which a young palestinian slaps a Jew. This video is followed by other videos & the matter escalates too much. And palestinians throw stones, fire-crackers on the Israeli security forces. And in answer to that, stun grenades, tear gases, rubber bullets - are fired, the local people say that the runner bullets entered the holy compound of mosques after this incident as soon as Hamas gets to know - as usual fires missiles from Gaza strip and in return to that, Israel attacks as well. Lots of civilians lose their lives but whatever happened in al-aqsa mosque - Arab world was very angry in regards to that.
  •  But Mohammed Deif on that particular day, planned the attack of 7th October. The idea of this entire attack was planned By Mohammed Deif, head of Hamas al-Qassam Brigade And Sinwar helped him in it who was the leader of Hamas in Gaza he supported him. And along with Hamas's chief - Ismail Haniyeh who's living in Qatar's Doha supported him. The entire world has declared them as terrorists but even after that they're safe. Among the three, Mohammed Deif is the deadliest - his name is Deif because in Arabic its meaning is - Guest and he's called Guest because since years - he doesn't remain at one place for more than a few hours. He's among world's most wanted. He has been attacked on 5-7 times. In 2014, he was once attacked on in which his daughter, sons, wife - all died but he saved himself due to being attacked on 7 times, he lost his one eye, a hand and a leg. But its said that, the underground tunnels of Gaza is his home. He lives in those tunnels and he doesn't have any photo only one photo has been released until now. And nothing else. So, these three were the main who planned the attack and the date they decided was of 7th October, that is 7th October, 2023.
  • They named the entire attack as - Operation Al Aqsa Flood and they kept this name because they wanted to take revenge of the incident of May 2021. So, now let's discuss what did they do in the current situation. On 6th of October, 2023 a SuperNova Sukkot gathering music Festival was to be organized. at Israel's western Negev Desert which was almost 5 kms away from Gaza Strip. This music festival was to be organized at Simcha torah of Southern Israel. But their luck was damned already another festival was going on, so at the last moment, before 2 days organizer chose this place which was 5 km away from Gaza strip. Around 3000-500 people reached in the evening the festival went on the entire night and it was dawn at around 6:00 in the morning. Exact at this time in the morning, Hamas's militant come out of Gaza strips in many groups. One group by land but since a string fence was encircle by all the four sides They used bulldozer to break it & the jeep was already parked there through which they move forward. At the same time - other group reach Israel through water ways. And the third group reaches through airways by motorized para gliders and at the same time - one of their groups that was set on the Gaza strip to fire missile - they fired more than a total of 5 missiles on Israel They knew that - Iron Dome will stop the missile that's why they fired all the missiles all at once so that Iron dome can't track all the missiles all at once. The attack started at around 6:30 in the morning. At around 7 o'clock in the morning reach Israel and the border areas - Nahal Oz, Holit, Nir Oz, Netiv Haasara, Be'eri and Kfar Aza - they enter and kill whomever they encounter be it a child or elders. As soon as the attack starts, Mohammed Defi releases an audio “In light of the counting crimes against our people, in light of the orgy of occupation and it's denial of international laws and resolutions and in the light of American & Western support - we've decided to put an end to all this. So that the enemy understand that he can no longer reveal without being held to Account.”  
  • And with this, other group reaches at the place where festival was going on. through motorized para gliding. Many experts believe that - they could hear the music from far that's why they reached there & some people say that - they had intelligence since before that's why they directly reach there. Event that was going on as the time went on, it was morning and as soon as its 7 o' clock then suddenly siren starts on. When the rockets enter Israel from Gaza, then these sirens start. Firstly, while hearing these sirens some people got worried, some people were still thinking that this is an ongoing celebration and is a part of this event and as the time goes by paragliders are seen in the sky and as soon as they land, they started firing blindly, some people had reached through vehicles. And they fire blindly, the place where this festival took place was an empty open space, so there wasn't much to hide. It was an open ground, so everyone was running in the open ground and they were firing from behind & following with cars. People who came with cars were running through it there were so many cars which blocked the road & they directly fired on the cars. The festival that was held - 260 people lost their lives, they kidnapped 130 people back to Gaza because some people of Hamas were stuck in jails - so they planned that they'll take some people of Israel back to Gaza & then release some friends from jail and negotiate.
  •  You must've already watched that video where Nicole Louk, who was a tattoo artist who had dual citizenship of German 7 Israel - how she was made to parade then you might have also seen how they took a girl on bike the event organizer was killed, the co-organizer is still missing. After this, at 8:45 a.m. Israel announced counter attack against Hamas and around 2 hours later at around 10:47 a.m. Israel's Air Forces attack on Gaza. More than 1200 missiles are fired at Gaza. Few moments later, at 11:35 a.m. Israel's P.M. posts on twitter that a war has been declared and one hour later, Israeli forces throw out Hamas terrorists from the areas which were occupied by them . 2 days later, on 9th October 2023 - from the side of Lebanon's border side, Hezbollah attacked. On 10th October, strikes were fired from Syria's Golan heights The attack had started from every side. On 9th October, Israel blocked Gaza strop from all 4 sides and stopped Gaza's water, electricity, food supply. In Israel's air strike, more than 1000 palestines were killed the normal civilians also lost their lives in it. And more than 5000 people were injured. Until now, so much casualties have been occurred that U.S. talked with Egypt for opening up the road for palestines and 2000 palestinians left Gaza and moved out. 3 days later, U.S. sent its aircraft ins support of Israel & the day it arrived. On the same day, it released strikes on Syria's Airport as well. So, war was going on from all sides. It look from the action of Israel that this time it won't leave Gaza and it'll end Hamas.
  •  But the question still persists that - why did Hamas do it? It knew that Israel would attack again and where did Hamas arranged 5000 missiles? Hamas did a very long planning and nobody even knew it. What is the roles of Iran here? There're lot of theories among which let me put in front of you.
  •  This blue area is the standard route of trade. This is very important for U.S. Because trade takes place through this trade. And makes money - if you need to go Europe through Indo-pacific, then countries use this route which benefits U.S. and in its counter Russia Developed a very small route that starts from India to europe via Iran. That is called NSTC. Now the NSTC route is small and it'll take less money along with time. So, its relevance is more and the value of Standard route will slowly be ir-relevant. Its importance will increase. The red line is NSTC route which will, ruin the entire. So, U.S introduced IMEC which'll start from India, through southern Arabia via Israel, they'll reach Europe. when it was being talked by in G20, then troubled by this matter They gave several statements - that the route in middle east will not be successful? There we already have many tention. It gave these type of statements. Actually Saudi Arabia, doesn't recognize Israel, so many people said that this won't be successful. Ezypt recognized Israel, Jordan did. These entire green area - these many countries recognized Israel. Not recognizing a country means that you cannot trade with your company. The citizens, your people cannot go to that country because due to not recognizing. The entire country's existence disappears. Now, if US won't solve the Saudi and Israel's relation. So, this entire route will fail that's why at this time US is dealing with normalization Saudi says - I've given you the freedom, US agreed for everything because it is the need and US demanded only for recognizing Israel.
  •  And recently, Israel and Saudi Arabia even indicated - if you look at their statement, then indication was given with which it felt like, Saudi Arabia will recognize Israel & if the trade route goes via Saudi Arabia then it'll benefit Saudi Arabia as well. That's why it seemed to agree but look at the co-incidence that in G20 this matter is talked about and on the other hand attacks are made. Now, the problem with this attack is - the Israel will retaliate and attack on Gaza common palestinian will lose thier lives as well. Arab world's people won't favour it at all and pressurizes their leaders. Turkey's people asks their leaders why they aren't sending troops against Israel so, at such time, if Saudi Arabia talks about recognizing Israel, then its reputation in the Arab world will degrade. On the other hand, Iran - the Arab world of middle east wants to become the leader as well, so due to this attack, Saudi Arabia has delayed their re-cognization for now. Means even though, we don't know if it'll recognize or not but for now it has been delayed. And the trade route of IMEC, is in danger - now be it Iran's desire to be the king of Arab world be it the stopping of this trade route. The biggest benefit from this fight is taken up by Iran and that's why Iran is being blamed. But in this case, Russia stated entirely opposite.
  • Russia's spokes person - Maria said that - what a co-incidence that US stopped Ukraine's Armed supply 1 month ago which was very shocking for the entire world. So, Russia's spokes person said that - US's CIA five eyes - they didn't even knew that Hamas was planning an attack since long time. She said that - US 100% knew but they knowingly didn't tell Mussad, this was the reason that Mussad couldn't track it. First of all, the armed supplies that Ukraine stopped now it'll use it in the middle east. The luck named Israel that it kept in Middle east, US will use it now to check middle east. Now, there're many theories but its not that simple which it seems its not simple that Hamas just attacked there're lot of interest stuck in it. Very large powers are playing games.
Reference : 


Anonymous said…
amazing article
Anonymous said…
good discution article .worth it

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