Thrilling Facts about Syrian Civil War


  •  West to India is Syria & its population consists of 74% Sunni Muslims and 16% of Shia Muslims. So, what I mean is - Sunni population is in majority but even after being in majority, the government in Syria belongs to Bashar Al-Assad, who is a Shia Muslim. And the important positions in his party are held by Shia Muslims. So, the first question is - why did this happen? So, in year 1970 the current president of Syria - Bashar Al-Assad's father Hafez Al-Assad had a strong hold in Syria's military. And the Syrian air force was headed by him as well. So, on 13th November 1970 he caused a coup & declared himself as Syria's president now, he became the president but he knew it very nicely that the majority in Syria is of Sunni population. So, the Sunni led party could come in power anytime. So, after becoming the president he started making his power even stronger & he focused a lot on the areas with Sunni majority. He even assigned intelligence agencies so that even if its a small issue, it can be taken care of. And such an issue shouldn't arise where Sunni led parties come in power and establish themselves. And using his power, he made such rules in which the opposition had been entirely wiped out. He changed the constitution according to himself, he extensively used secret agencies and military. He controlled media and everything according to himself and kept the entire power in his hand. And not only this, along with that it was alleged that the Shia population in Syria was favoured from time to time. But then comes year, 2000 & in this year Hafez Al-Assad died.

Background History 

  • And then his son, who's the current president of Syria - Bashar Al-Assad becomes Syria's president. And when he became the president then, nothing much changed. He continued his father's policies. The dictatorship that was going on led to a bit of hatred among Sunni population in Syria. But even after these things, Bashar Al-Assad didn't face any huge difficulty in ruling Syria. Now, then comes year 2006 and from 2006-2010, Syria faced drought due to low rainfall. And people were troubled from dictatorship, along with it Syrians started facing economic difficulties as well. People had very few to no money, they started facing food shortage. So, what I mean to say is, Syrians were bothered by dictatorship along with money problem and unemployment. Poverty increased a huge deal in Syria. When all these things were happening in Syria then along with it, one more thing happens - the neighbouring countries of Syria which were under dictatorship like, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Jordan - there Arab Spring was going on. Means people were rebelling against the dictators in these countries that dictatorship should be removed and conduct election. Basically, instead of dictatorship they were asking for democracy or freedom. And the protests that were going on in these countries weren't normal they were impacting a great deal in Arab countries due to which, all the dictators were getting scared, like, in Libya - Gaddafi was killed and election was held. In Tunisia, the dictatorship Ben Ali, who ruled for 23 years had to flee the country. In Egypt, Hosni Mubarak who ruled for 30 years, had to leave his position, even though he tried a lot to stop the protestors. They even released military tanks. But even after that, he couldn't stop them. People gathered in this way and were protesting in several places.
  •  So, the dictators in this region were scared. Now, all the things which was happening in the neighbouring countries of Syria the news reaches Syria as well through Radio, TV, News paper. It reaches to people and the social media had a very important role, which we'll talk about further.
  •  Now, even in Syria people were bothered by dictatorship secondly, poverty and hunger was increasing as well. So, Bashar Al-Assad had a fear that whatever is going on in other countries might even start in Syria. So, to deal with it Bashar Al-Assad had already kept its security on alert that we shouldn't ignore the slightest issue & the protest going on in the neighbouring countries shouldn't start in Syria. But Bashar Al-Assad didn't know at all that, the opposite of what he was thinking will happen.

Syria War 

  •  Now, it was February 2011 and there was a place named Daraa in the south of Syria and there was a school which wasn't far from a mosque - Al-Omari Mosque. So, there was 14 year old child in the 7th grade, named Mouawiya Syasneh. remember this name - you'll be shocked to know that due to one incident by this 14 year old child from the last 10-12 years, a complicated civil war is going on in Syria & the superpowers of the world US, Russia, Iran & even terrorists organisations like ISI - came face to face. So, let's discuss what had this boy done. Actually, it was 26th February, 2011 and Mouawiya along with 14 more students were listening to the protests in neighbouring countries against dictatorship through news and radio So, on the same day - Mouawiya wrote on his school's wall in Arabic - “ It's your turn Doctor ”

This is the original picture of that wall.

  •  Actually, Bashar-Al-Assad, who was Syria's president He studied from Western Eye hospital in London, so everyone also called him Dr. Assad as well. Now, Mouawiya had written it on the wall but he didn't have any idea what all was going to happen due to this mistake. So, after writing it, on the same day - when Mouawiya reaches home in the evening he even tells his father about it. And the father becomes very scared, he knew that government will give a huge punishment for his. In fact, he even told Mouawiya to hide but until then it was already too late, many people had seen this wall and the security chief of Daraa's area, who was Bashar Al-Assad's cousin, Atef Najib hears about this and gets very angry. He knew it properly that revolt is going on in neighbouring countries against dictatorship. So, in this situation if such behaviours is ignored then, it won't be fruitful for him. So, next day i.e, 27th February, 2011 security forces arrive at that school and start finding out who wrote this but nobody tells who wrote it and when they get tired then there were total 15 boys whom they doubted, they arrest them at round 4 o' clock which included Mouawiya as well.
  • Now, after arresting them the security forces of Syria torture these kids a lot and punishes them as well. They teared off their nails. They splash water and run a current through them & make them almost un-conscious. Now, here they had started all these things and on the other hand parents of Mouawiya and rest of the children had went to the Police so that their kids could be released but instead of releasing them, they tell that “Forget your kids & make some more kids. And if you can't then, send your women to us.” Now, people get angry after hearing this line and protests start in Daraa that injustice is being done to them & their children should be released and these protests were peaceful protests because the government does leaves anyone who gathers crowd and vandalizes while protesting. So, they were protesting very peacefully and demanding to release their kids. But even after that, the police forces wanted to set an example, so they didn't release their kids instead they arrested many people who were protesting & puts them behind bars.
  •  Now, the protests going on in Daraa & what was happening with kids this news reaches to the other cities of Syria & people started knowing what was going in Daraa. So, protests started taking place in other areas as well.

15th March, 2011

  • At 15th March, 2011 arrived the areas of Syria like Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Latakia, Hama - the government was being opposed at these places that this is injustice. These children should be released. So, a small protest which started in a small area in Daraa - spreads in different areas of Syria. And this was the time when Bashar Al-Assad's regime started feeling that the children that they've arrested wasn't a right decision, it can make matters worse. So, to stop all these protests in mid April 2011 - they keep the children for around 45 days. and Syrian government releases Mouawiyan and rest of the children. Now, the government had released these children but when they come out of the prison, then their condition angered everyone. These young children couldn't even stand on their feet. Their nails were removed. Their whole body was bruised and when the children told their story & when it was spread far off then people got even angrier & they started protesting again.

22nd April, 2011

  •  And on 22nd April, 2011 which was Friday - after serving the Namaaz of Jummah they converse and gather in roads & start protesting again. But this time they don't do any peaceful protest but they conduct a rally against Bashar AL-Assad chanting anti-government slogans against him and even violence is done in this protest. And this day is also called Friday of Dignity. Now, Syrian forces try to stop the crowd a lot and when they were unable to stop this crowd, then on 25th April, 2011 forces fire bullets on the crowd. And two people loose their lives. Now, the next day people take their bodies for funeral & many slogans were chanted at this time. So, Syrian government says that order isn't being followed, you're gathering crowd again and chanting slogans. So, to deal with it helicopters and tanks are used & they were released on roads. Bullets were fired and CN forces were ordered by the authorities that whatever happens stop the crowd to gather and protest, whatever you're required to do. And then, lot of bullets are fired on these protestors. Many people loose their lives. If you search for the original footage on the internet even now then the original footage - bullets are fired on people, they're running - is still available. And this decision of the government to shoot bullets and releasing tanks it backfires them. It doesn't calm the situation but fuels even more. Where protests were done by 10-30 people, now they were standing against Bashar Al-Assad in 20 cities of Syria. And they were demanding Bashar Al-Assad to resign from his position. Means what was going on in neighbouring countries of Syria now, the same situation arose in Syria as well.
  • And the civilians and soldiers would fight everyday, as the crowd didn't have any weapon. They used to fight with rocks and sticks & the security forces had advanced weapons. So, civilians would loose most of the lives. And along with it, the injuries that people suffered from the protest when people used to get injured and go to hospital, then the government had placed police officers there as well the protestors who got injured, were detained by the police in prison from there itself. So, people who got injured in the protest was sure to go to prison. So, to deal with it people stopped going to hospitals and doctors started treating in the mosque nearby called, Al Omari mosque. And a first aid type arrangement was establsihed there. Now few days later, the Syrian forces come to know that in this mosque, people are treated and they hide as well. So, Syrian security forces attack on this mosque as well and all the patients & doctors loose their lives as well. This attacks is opposed a lot and then, the common people, kids, women - whoever saw the security forces they used to attack with rocks, sticks - it was opposed a lot in Syria.
  • When 2011 arrived, more than 1000 people had lost their lives and Syrian armies lose their soldiers as well. As the civilians used to throw stones. Along with it, in Syrian security forces there were many soldiers who refused to shoot bullets on civilians. So, such soldiers were also shot. The Sunni Muslims of entire Syria were entirely against Bashar Al-Assad & they believed that, they'll loose their lives but only after removing him from the position. Even the children, because of whom all this started they also joined this protest. Mouawiya is still a fighter and fights against Syria's establishment.
  • The fight that was going on between civilians and security forces, continues for few more days after which its format changes. And format changes because, Syrian security forces had some soldiers who protest against the government. And helps the civilians & the main role was played by Riadal-asaad, who was in a very good position in the Syrian army. Similarly, there was a man named - Mahroom who worked as a chartered accountant in Syria for 20 years and he even trained for fighter pilot in Armed forces under National service at a very young age. So, to fight agaaints Syrian government he took people among civilians and created small fighting units. The first unit that he created consisted of 15-15 people.

29th july, 2011

  • On 29th July, 2011 it was officially named as Free Syrian Army. This objective of Free Syrian Army was to fight the Syrian security forces with weapons that are attacking people and they would remove Bashar al-assad & keep a fair system where, these things won't take place and they tried to capture the areas of Syria, slowly. Now all these things that were happening in Syria gathered support from neighbouring Sunni majority countries. There were many people who fled Syria, came back and with technology, their skills - helped to remove Free Syrian army to remove Bashar al-assad. Along with it, there were many extremist groups who were againts Bashar al-assad. They also join Free Syrian Army and help them. There were almost 1000 small extremist groups, who had a total of 1 lakh fighters that joined Free Syrian Army. Free Syrian Army didn't have any option, neither they've weapons nor resources, so without thinking, they joined them in compulsion. And similarly, ISI - Islamic State of Iraq which fought in Iraq against their establishment also gets to know about it and it sees an opportunity in Syria, to support Sunni Muslims. And increasing their network, so ISI also comes forward to help Free Syrian Army. All the fighters slowly, some though Libyan track, some through other tracks - entered Syria. You might've noticed earlier it was named as, ISI - they later changed it to ISIS. It was due to this. They changed from Islamic state of Iraq to Islamic State of Iraq and Syria means, from ISI to ISIS.
  • So, from here the problems of Syrian government starts increasing. Earlier, which was a small protest now it became a huge headache for them. And for them, it was getting difficult to manage the fight. The Free Syrian Army used weapons, Guerilla Warfare & starts capturing different areas of Syria like, Damascus, Aleppo then further - Raqqah. And made their base. And it was getting difficult for the Syrian government to deal with it. So, on one side, the fight was between government and Free Syrian Army that was created by civilians.

Rise Of Kurdistan 

  •  At the same time, the north east area of Syria consisted of more Kurds population The Kurds population was present in Syria as well as Turkey which was bordering Syria. So, Kurds demanded for Kurdistan from time to time. They demanded the same in Turkey and Syria, both. So, at this particular time they saw this as a good opportunity that Syrian government was at backfoot. Free Syrian Army had already defeated them so, this is the time to create Kurdistan. So, the Kurds started capturing the north east side of Syria. Means while Syrian government had one problem with Free Syrian Army now the Kurds in the north east side, also started fighting against them.
  •  And they started capturing different areas to make their own Kurdistan so, before I tell further more, the situation until now is that in Syria 4 entities started fighting for different motives. Syria's government, ISIS, Free Syrian Army that was created by civilians of Syria and Kurd forces. All 4 of them were fighting for different motives. And then the rest of the countries, start joining these groups to accomplish their own motives and start supporting them. Due to which, Syria becomes a battle ground and the world's complicated Civil war starts here, in which multiple countries and superpowers start facing each other. Now, you might say why did rest of the countries join and started fighting? Then, let me tell you about that as well.

Entry Of Super-Power

  • The oil rich middle east Sunni countries like, Saudi, Qatar weren't happy with Syria's Shia government, which ruled over Sunni Muslims even after being low in population so, they started funding Free Syrian Army which was fighting against Bashar al-assad delivered weapons, so that Bashar al-assad in Syria, who is a Shia, can be removed. Now, when all these things were going on then Iran which is a Shia Majority country wanted Bashar al-assad, who is a Shia, to rule in Syria. He shouldn't be removed from there. So, Iran started helping Syria's government entirely, ruled by Bashar al-assad. It sent advanced technology & military to the Syrian government so that it can deal with it and continue the establishment.

Entry of Russia &USA

  • So, these were middle east countries. Similarly, Bashar al-assad had good friendship with Russia and in middle east to complete Russia's interest, Bashar al-assad's existence in Syria was beneficial. So, Russia helped Bashar al-assad i.e., Syrian government. Now, Russia entered Syria and it'll influence itself on that region & help - then why will US be behind. US Secretly, gave a task to CIA to give training to the Free Syrian Army and deliver weapons. So that they can fight against the establishment. So, by doing this other countries of the world joined it and these superpowers divided themselves in 4 different groups to complete their interests. And fights took place in Syria every day long with airstrike.

18th july 2012

  •  Now, after this on 18th July 2012 - Ravada square which is in Damascus where Syrian government was conducting a meeting of the Central Crisis Management Cell to deal with these things in which many of the important personalities of the Syrian government were taking part. Now, the Free Syrian Army was keeping an eye since days on this meeting. So, they explode the entire building in a planned way in which, Syria's defence minister, Dawoud Rajiha and along with it Bashar al-assad's brother-in-law Assef loose their lives. This was a huge setback for the Syrian government. And after this incident, Bashar al-assad becomes very angry & he attacks on the Free Syrian Army back-to-back. Most of the rebels of Free Syrian Amry died at this particular time. But even after doing so much, Syrian government couldn't grab the situation. The Free Syrian Army's rebels couldn't be defeated because they were getting heavy support from outside.
  • In Damascus, there's a place called Ghouta where, weapons were delivered by Jordan at a large scale so that Free Syrian Army can continue fighting against the government. And even after fighting multiple battles, Syria's government didn't have any solution to it. And Ghouta in Damascus had Sunni population in Majority and specially in the east side, the population was enraged totally against Syria's government. And multiple times Syria's government and the civilians fought a lot.

Used Of Chemical Weapons 

  • But even after that, Syria's government couldn't stop them. And Jordan sent them weapons through this track, so when they didn't get any solution for this then on 21st August, 2013 - once at 2:30 a.m. and then, on the same day at 5 o' clock, chemical weapons were used Syria's government. There was a sarin nerve agent who was used. The dead bodies are lined up, children and women loose their lives in line. Now, against chemical attack there were 188-200 countries, which has signed the chemical convention of chemical weapon. That they won't use chemical weapon but Syria hadn't sign this. Using chemical weapons is very in humane, people loose their lives, very torrentially. This is a very big war crime & Bashar al-assad used chemical weapons but after this incident The entire world protested against it. Human  Rights Watch & Amnesty International talked to UN for taking it in international criminal court. And this was the time, every one felt that Bashar al-assad can't be saved now. Its confirmed that, he'll leave Syria soon.
  • But China and Russia, did Veto to cover and cancel it entirely. Similarly, until 2017 Russia used Veto 7 times to save Syria and if this veto wasn't there then, many things could've happened like, sanctions could've been imposed on them. or military intervention could take place. Al-assad would have to stepped down. But Russia and to some extent with China's help, Bashar al-assad is saved. But even after this, when Chemical attack occurred, Obama approached it while directly attacking on Syria's bases.
  •  USA & Russia were indirectly facing each other. Where Russia was standing with Bashar al-assad, USA was standing below with Free Syrian Army. But US said that, it entered Syria to destroy ISIS. So, USA made a strike on Syria at different places on different basis and in the base of ISIS, even USA did air strike. So, you might've seen that ISIS used to capture all the US citizens sometimes they beheaded them, sometimes they used to burn and put it on internet. In which, they mostly caught journalists therefore, so many countries were on one side.

Turkey Entry 

  • But along with it in 2015 Turkey enters as well. In north east Syria, where Kurds were fighting and capturing different places Turkey felt that it can cause problem for it. So, it also conducted air strike on them. Russia wanted Bashar al-assad from the middle east in Syria at any cost only then its interests could be completed. So, Russia also created its base in Syria. And they did air strike at different places, so what I mean to say is - so many superpowers, rebellions, terrorist groups were fighting in this area for their own motives. And Syria wasn't left as a country instead it was base for different superpowers countries, rebellions, terrorists organisations where everyone would come & fight to accomplish their interests. Just like a wrestling ring & everyday the strikes that were made on Syria civilians would face the most damage - children, women - who didn't commit any mistake actually, Syria had undergone so many strikes that Syria was left as a skeleton.

That was its condition 


  • In 2016, when Trump became the president then he brought USA out of Syria & said that, Bashar al-assad should be in power in Syria, we don't care. This is a never ending fight which we don't want to indulge. Now, US gets out of it but in 2017, Bashar al-assad used chemical weapons again in which 85 people were killed, among which more than 10 were children. So, after this incident US that went out of this situation had to re-involve itself in Syria. And now it started striking officially on Syria. In the complicated civil war of the world more than 4 lakh people lost their lives. More than 80% of Syria's population became poor, people started dieing with hunger.
  • People started fleeing Syria & when they didn't get any flight then they even put their lives at stake and fled through sea. Syria's complicated Civil war where multiple countries are involved can also be called as the 'first social media war' because, this was the first war where every group used social media a lot to set different narratives. To send their words internationally. More than 800 journalists were killed in Syria. ISIS would behead the journalists and burn them & make the video and upload it. So, none of the journalists didn't wanted to go to Syria by putting their lives at stake. So, even for news agencies, social media became a source to get update. Until today's date, a real solution hasn't been found. People keep fighting there back to back. 


  • And all this started with that small protest and Bashar al-assad's stubbornness that he'll not leave his position and a 14 year old Mouawiya had never even thought in his dreams that a line written by him on a small wall can cause so much of chaos.



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Good content

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