
  • You might've heard from elders that Liquor is such a thing, which ruins people's house, money, relations - everything. But this time, this liquor did something that caused trouble for the capital's CM and his colleagues. The liquor of Delhi - whenever we get to know about it, the first question which arises is Who's right in it? This will be judged by our Honorable court. But what the entire case is actually about? Why is Delhi's new liquor policy, Goa elections and South group's connection leading to the arrest of politicians in Delhi? And the biggest thing, what proof did ED & CBI present in the court? I'll present all the actual details, as it is. So that it'll be easy for you to make your opinion. ED & CBI had filed total of 8 chargesheets in the court and if we count FIR & ECIR, then total 10 documents can be said and I myself have read these 10 documents so that I can present actual facts in front of you. From which account of Hawala, was the money transferred, who did it and when? What was there in chats, footages of hotels - all these details which ED & CBI presented in court I'll present it in front of you. I'll not present anything from my side and I've put all these links in the description. So, do verify it once.

Background History

  • A state government needs money to run the state. And the state earns money from tax revenue. Then this tax money is used to run the government and also for welfare of poor people. And large part of the tax revenue of state comes from the sale of liquor. And in case of Delhi, the revenue of Alcohol becomes more important because Delhi is a place which is visited a lot by foreign visitors. In case of foreign visitors, Delhi ranks 28th in the World and 1st in India. Due to this, liquor plays a major role in the revenue of Delhi government. What happens is, it was 4th September 2020 and at this time, old liquor policy was in impact in Delhi. And the old liquor policy stated that the entire Delhi has 864 liquor shops, among which 475 were government shops and 389 private shops. But the old liquor policy in Delhi had some problems in it due to which, Delhi's government was facing a huge loss. So, the question is - what was the challenge in old liquor policy?
  • In India, VAT is imposed on liquor, not GST. And same thing happens in Delhi. So, old liquor policy stated that - if one bottle of liquor is sold then Delhi government charges 25% VAT on it. Means if a bottle is sold for Rs 100 then Rs 25 from it, would be added to the revenue of Delhi government. But most of the shopkeepers would - suppose 1000 bottles are sold, then they showed the sales of only 400-500 bottles and didn't show the rest to the government. So, this would cause loss to the government. Secondly, in the bar, clubs - many Mafias had entered in the liquor license. Many middle man had entered who used to make lot of money. And third, the border states of Delhi Like, Gurugram - they had less dry days in their liquor policy and liquor was cheap as well. So, people used to go to Gurugram for buying liquor. They assigned police at the borders but they couldn't stop this. So, Delhi government says that the liquor business in Delhi and the liquor mafias who've entered in it and the loss they're causing we'll erase it from the roots and the revenue of Delhi which is distributed in states like, Gurugram and other states will be brought back to Delhi. So, all these things were going on since long time.

4th September ,2020

  • After this, on 4th September, 2020 Kejriwal government forms an expert committee which was headed by excise commissioner of Delhi - Krishna and Kejriwal government tells this committee that its enough, the challenges in Delhi regarding liquor policy prepare a report to correct it which can make things alright. And as soon as it was told, expert committee starts their work. And takes around 1 month, then on 13th October 2020 it presents a report and then on 5th February, 2021 - Delhi government presents this new policy by making a report and correcting things in the Delhi Cabinet. And regarding this report, many things were stated that - Its a Gamechanger, master stroke. At that time, they didn't knew that due to this all of them would be put behind bars. After this, deputy CM of Delhi - Manish Sisodia, who used to handle excise department and not only excise department but among 33 portfolios, he had 18 under him. He was a very powerful personality in the Kejriwal government and CM Kejriwal used to trust him a lot that's why rather than other MLAs, a single person was given 18 portfolios. So, Manish Sisodia was also the main source of this new policy. So, after this along with Manish Sisodia 2 more people are added - one was, revenue minister - Kailash Gahlot and health minister, Satyendar Jain. They are also added & this team was called as - Group of Ministers & they decided how to execute this policy further. The report which was prepared regarding the new policy, is sent to these 3 ministers they review it & see if any changes are required and then, all these 3 ministers accept this policy on 22nd March that its a huge gamechanger.
  • Now, Delhi is a UT - union territory so, along with their approval, lieutenant governor should also approve it. Nothing will happen by their approval only. Before that, let me tell you the changes they brought in this policy only then the proofs submitted by CBI & ED in future - chats and stuff only then you'll understand the context.
  •  So, firstly in this new liquor policy - government will not run any retail liquor shops. They said that, its not the government's work to sell liquor. Now all these liquor shops will go to private vendors.
  • Secondly, earlier the license fee was up to 6-7 lakhs But instead of that, in new policy they have to give 5 crores. Then it was said that, all the liquor license distributed from now on will not be from the lottery but auctions will be held. Like, IPL conducts auction similarly, auctions will be held and the highest bidder will take the license. Then they said that all the alcohol shops in Delhi, aren't distributed properly for which we've distributed Delhi in 32 zones and they said that - 27 shops will be opened in one zone. That they divided the zones in this way. Then in new policy they said that, the age limit in Delhi had been reduced from 25 years to 21 years now. So, that more people would be able to consume it & they'll have easier competition from the bordering states as well. They stated one more thing in it that, all the states near Delhi border, Gurugram and all they have less dry days. And Delhi has more dry days, like in Delhi there're 23 dry days and other states have 3 dry days. So, due to this people buy liquor near the border due to which Delhi's revenue faces loss. So, they stated that - the dry days of Delhi will be reduced from 23 days to 3 days.
  • Means there'll be liquor prohibition for only 3 days and then it'll be sold for rest of the days. And the time limit of selling liquor was increased to 3 AM in the morning. And since lot of foreigners visit Delhi shops should look good for which they stated that the shop should at least be of 500 sq. ft. and AC can be installed in the shop. They made all these things mandatory. And along with it the facility of home delivery was also added in this policy. They said that as soon as this new policy will be imposed, the revenue of 5000 crore which is earned will directly change to 8000 crore & they even gave a proposal for it. So, they got approval from Cabinet and the ministers. Only the final task was remaining which was to have it approved from Lieutenant governor.

15th April ,2021

  •  So, on 15th April, 2021 they send this policy to Lieutenant governor and it gets approved. Now, on 17th November 2021 this policy was to be implemented. days before this policy was to be implemented i.e. 15th November 2021 Lieutenant Governor says that - keep only one thing in mind since now you've divided in zones and distributing equally - you're going to open liquor shops in places where, earlier there weren't any of it. So, you need to keep one thing in mind that liquor shops shouldn't be opened near places where people feel uncomfortable where there're schools or temples or in any unauthorized area. So, regarding this they added one thing in it that if a shop will open, then they need the approval of DDA & MCD. Lot of commotion was caused due to it that, it was changed in the last moment lot of things have been ruined, it caused loss to them. But it was pushed further & on 17th November, 2021 this new liquor policy was implemented as it is. There were only few things like, the age of 21 years and dry days were causing constitutional problems, due to which they were removed & rest, as it is this policy was implemented.
  •  Now, as soon as this policy is implemented it starts causing problems. And the problems become so huge that, within 8 months this policy had to be withdrawn. Now, the question is - what did they do due to which they had to remove this policy?
  • So, when this policy was implemented - firstly, liquor vendors weren't sure to take such expensive liquor licenses. Whether it'll be successful or not. Secondly, lieutenant governor said that they had to take approval from DDA & MCD for unauthorized area due to which, among the total 849 shops, only 644 shops could be opened. Because people had taken the license but they weren't getting approval at many places. If you look at the master plan 2021 of Delhi's new liquor policy then in point 15.6.2, it was clearly mentioned that any liquor shop can't be opened at a residential area. But even after that, near temples & schools liquor shops were opened.
  • In fact, in Chanakyapuri - within 100 m area of Gurudwara, liquor shops were opened. There were total 67 wards where liquor shops shouldn't have been opened but even after that they were opened. Even court gave the order that, these shops should shifted from the residential area to other place. And the companies which bought the license, by giving money - by giving 5 crore rupees and they gave even more security amount started facing challenges since they didn't know about it earlier. Some companies like, MaguntaAgro Farms Pvt. Ltd went to court and started asking their license fees back. And due to this, liquor shops in Delhi had decreased. The condition was that among 849 shops that had to be opened among which 600 were remaining and then the situation led their decrease to less than 400. And due to this, Saket, Mahipalpur, Kalmanagar, Govindpuri - where liquor is heavily consumed faced heavy shortages. But some things happened due to which people started questioning the intention of Delhi government.
  • According to new policy, the manufacturer will never do the retail work i.e. he'll not get the license. Means maker and buyer would be different to avoid monopoly but this wasn't followed. Manufacturing company had opened the shop itself. Secretly, all the manufacturers made a group and to reduce their competition they started giving liquor even below MRP. They started giving one free with one bottle of liquor. Because it was mentioned in the policy that, if the retailer wants then he can sell it even below the MRP. Due to this, the liquor became cheap, discounts were given & due to this the consumption of liquor in Delhi had increased. Earlier, in the old policy there were more than 800 shops. But the consumption of liquor was average 13.2 million liters in Delhi. And the new policy in which there were less shops, not all of them had opened - in it the consumption increased to 24.5 million liters. People of Delhi had consumed almost double amount of liquor at that particular time.
  •  Now, since more liquor was sold so the profit should have been increased as well. But total opposite of it happened. And from here itself, doubts started arising that which type of policy did they bring that eve after selling more liquor, how did government's revenue decrease. In old policy, when a bottle of 750 ml was sold then wholesale price was 166.73, in new policy it was increased even more - 188.41 this is the wholesale price. The price of retailer was earlier 530 & no it increased to 555.76 liquor was sold even more but government faced loss.

8th July ,2022

  • Now, after this comes the date - 8th July, 2022 and from here itself the problems for Kejriwal government had increased. Chief secretary, Naresh Kumar looks at all these things and makes a report. And submits it to Lieutenant governor Vinay Kumar Saxena. In the report, he stated that the new policy, implemented in Delhi caused shortage of liquor in Delhi but even larger than that, this policy has irregularities. Manish Sisodia implemented many things without approval. The new policy that was brought, led to the violation of multiple Acts and he even mentioned those acts like, GNCTD Act, 1991 TOB Act of 1993, the Delhi Excise Act of 2009 the Delhi Excise rules of 2010. So, chief secretary said that all these acts are violated and this entire process is going on illegally. You'll see two things in news. Somewhere it'll be written that they had got the approval from lieutenant governor, but somewhere it'll be written that they didn't get approval from lieutenant governor.
  •  So, actually they got the approval for main policy. But after the main policy was implemented, some changes were made for which they didn't take approval. So those changes were implemented by themselves without the approval of governor. And chief secretary not only mentioned in this report that but also he mentioned multiple things line by line. Firstly, according to the policy manufacturing company can't open liquor shops. If it'll make liquor or manufacture it then it can't sell it. Someone else will sell it. But they said that, manufacturing company was directly involved plus, the blacklisted companies were also given license. Like, they took the example of - Khao Gali Ltd. It was banned in Delhi as it had done some misdeeds in the past but even after that, it was given license for zone 2 & zone 3 then further this report stated that, during the distribution of license there was a company which deposited Rs 30 crores but this company didn't get NOC from the airport. So, without any approval from cabinet or governor Delhi government returned those 30 crores, which was violation of point 48(11)(b) of Delhi excise rule. According to this rule, the deposit amount can't be returned in any condition. After this, it states that during Covid some companies had their license fee pending - around Rs 144 crore rupees in total. which was forgiven by Manish Sisodia without any approval. And along with it, import fee of Rs 50 was eased on a box of liquor. And foreign liquor was also made cheaper. And even for this, approval wasn't taken from anyone. And further it stated that, earlier when license fees were exhausted then it was renewed after giving money. But the date of license of some companies were increased without charging any money. Firstly, without charging any money the date was increased from 1st April 2022 to 31st May 2022 and then, it was repeated again. Like, the date was increased from 1st June 2022 to 31st July 2022. Their license was expanded but no money was charged. And chief secretary imposed direct allegations on Manish Sisodia that, the decisions he took without approval caused loss instead of the profit of Rs 580 crore that could be earned in Delhi. And he also mentioned that, its not like it was a mistake. He claimed that, this was done knowingly. So, that manufacturer gains profit.
  • Now, when this report by chief secretary is received by lieutenant governor then he imposes inquiry in it. Now, from here the situation in Delhi was getting critical but along with it, some more weird things happen. Manish Sisodia observes all this & revokes this new liquor policy on 31st July 2022 and the old liquor policy was implemented back.
  •  And as soon as this situation starts in Delhi, BJP & Congress both the parties start protesting in front of the Aam Aadmi Party's office. And they demand that the leaders of Aam Aadmi Party should be put behind bars. In fact, Congress was the first one to complain regarding this entire situation. Congress sent a letter to police commissioner - Rakesh Asthana. They used very hard words in it. Its subject line stated that multi-crore scam, illegal distribution liquor license of Aam Aadmi party they even mentioned in this letter that, this is 500 crore scam. They even mentioned the names of companies in the letter that through the proxy of these companies, this game is going on in Delhi. You'll get the videos on whatever allegations Congress had imposed on youtube. Along with it, Congress wrote letter even to Anna Hazare, in which very hard words were used. Like, CM Kejriwal was even called unqualified chief minister of Delhi and they even said that, you're running a campaign to stop liquor consumption in Maharashtra and your dearest Chief Minister is opening liquor shops.

30th August, 2022

  • On 30th August, 2022 even Anna Hazare wrote a letter to Delhi's CM. In which, he told him many things regarding liquor. This is the copy. Now, BJP & Congress were after Aam Aadmi Party on the other hand, CBI started its enquiries. Back to back raids were done, mobiles were confiscated and on the basis of its initial enquiry, CBI registers FIR upon 16 people on 17th August, 2022. This is the original copy of that FIR. And these are the names of those 16 people. Cases were filed under IPC section 120(b) - Criminal conspiracy, Section 477(a) and section 7 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988. The starting 4 names that you can see - Manish Sisodia and the leaders - direct allegations were imposed on them. They're the caretaker of this entire policy, for quid-pro-quo they helped liquor businessmen in gaining profit. On 20th August, 2022 CBI raids Manish Sisodia's house. They search everywhere, his bank lockers but they don't get anything.
  •  The case that CBI filed against them, under section 120(b) of the Indian Penal Code and Section 7 of the Prevention Corruption Act, 1988 - are scheduled offense. It comes under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002 and due to this, on 22nd August, 2022 ED starts enquiry as well. So, at this particular time CBI & ED were after the top leaders of Aam Aadmi Party but in amidst of it, another weird thing happens.

5th September ,2022

  • on 5th September, 2022 BJP holds a conference call and shows a video of sting operation. which was the sting operation of accused no. 13 - Sunny Marwah so, basically in this sting operation Sunny Marwah's father states that - how this policy was exploited and the top leaders were given money. To get a tender, they took 350 crore but from others they took 500 crore and he also said that, once you give commission then whatever you feel like doing, they don't care.
  • And then while talking he says that, in the old rule if the product was of Rs 20, then government would take Rs 70 and Rs 10 remianed for us. But now, they can buy a product of Rs 20 and can be sold as much as one wants but give our fix amount.
  • And he tells one more important thing that - among 12% commission, 6% commission has been settled, so we need to give them 6%. So, there wasn't any problem in giving 6% commission but when you earn 12% then, they need to give 6% in black. So he is telling that, the problem is giving in black.

25th November 2022

  • So, after this comes the date 25th November 2022 and until this date, CBI had done its enquiry and on the next day i.e. 26th November 2022 ED had completed its enquiry as well & both CBI and ED files their chargesheet together and submitted in the Delhi court. ED's chargesheet was submitted in special PMLA court. In total, 8 chargesheets 2 document FIR and ECIR, adding them in total 10 documents were submitted.
  •  Now let's talk about, what did both the agencies present in court as a proof due to which, the entire leadership of Aam Aadmi Party were back-to-back arrested. There were multiple hearings in court on different dates. I'm summarizing the entire discussion, the chargesheet submitted and the gist altogether. If you want to read in detail then, I've given all the links in description. You can read date wise. So, after this hearing starts in court. For the first party, they said that i.e. Kejriwal's top leadership, about them they claimed that they used middle men like Vijay Nair, Dinesh Arora and Amit Arora. They were used to knowingly make a policy with which liquor companies would gain profit and then those liquor companies would give them money in election and help in gaining profit. Now, these liquor companies were related to south group. It means that, agencies said that top leadership of Kejriwal government and south group together are responsible for this scam.
  •  Now, it was asked that - what south group was, then they told that, key players of South India's liquor business which includes some businessman, influential leaders of political parties they formed a group and did this scam in Delhi.
  •  Let me explain you with example as, suppose a government is going to impose a new policy and when multiple businessmen gets to know about it then all of them together will gather up and form a group. And then this group will talk to the government that 'do something with which we can gain profit from this entire policy & what do you need' ''if you need money, then we'll provide you that money in election'' So, in this way it was a win-win situation for both parties, otherwise its dangerous for the government to take government fund from the policy. So, by doing this political parties gain profit as well as the group of businessmen it captures market. They don't let any competition appear, they decide rates according to themselves there're many other benefits. Small policy changes can lead to crores off profit. So, this type of allegations were mentioned by agencies in their chargesheet Now, the judgement is going on in court. No one has been declared guilty and I'll tell you the only details and proofs submitted.
  •  So, the south group which was being mentioned by ED consists of 5 main players which formed the group, rest were supporters. This group was led by K Kavitha, she's a BRS leader and daughter of former Telangana CM Sharath Reddy, he's an associate of Aurobindo Pharma, Magunta Reddy he's a former MP of YSR Congress party. And his son's name is also included in it - Raghav Magunta. Similarly, it includes - Arun Ramachandran Pillai, Abhishek Boinpally and Butchi Babu, CA of Kavitha. Including all of them, a south group was formed. Now, after giving details of South group ED claims that, top leadership of Aam Aadmi Party kept 3 middle men to deal with south group all their chats, from which account of hawala money was transferred, when was it done I'll present all the things in front of you. So, agencies tell the name of middle men of Top leadership of Aam Aadmi Party Vijay Nair, Dinesh Arora and Amit Arora there were more but these were more. They take the names of these 3 people to execute this entire process and after this, their details are also shared.
  •  Firstly, they talk about Vijay Nair. Agencies told that, Vijay Nair was very close to CM Arvind Kejriwal and did tasks given by him. And Dinesh Arora handled Manish Sisodia's task Amit Arora was their friend. So these three altogether used to exchange conversation with south group. After giving their details, to establish this entire process ED gave some details. Agencies claimed that Vijay Nair started living in Delhi government's bungalow since year 2020 and this bungalow was given to Aam Aadmi Party's cabinet minister - Kailash Gehlot and due to this, Kailash Gehlot himself lived in his private residence in Najafgarh although Vijay Nair didn't hold any government position. He was just the in-charge of media & communication of Aam Aadmi Party and Vijay Nair used to operate from Arvind Kejriwal's camp office - temporary or secondary office And Vijay Nair comfirmed it in his official statement under section 50 of PMLA, 2022 and even submitted its statement.
  •  Now after this, agencies take the name of Dinesh Arora about him, they claimed that - he executed Manish Sisodia's task to South group. Dinesh Arora has many restaurant chains. Unplugged courtyard is owned by him & he's also a committee member of National Restaurant Association - NRAI. And before this, the AIB on youtube was also managed by him. So, in total he has a large circle in Delhi. For which ED claims that - Dinesh Arora encouraged multiple restaurants owners of Delhi to raise fund for Aam Aadmi Party, which isn't wrong. Funds can be raised but he said that the restaurant owners will be given some profit in the business. And after this, Dinesh Arora's old friend - Amit Arora had arrived. He was the director of a liquor company in Gurugram - Buddy Retail Ltd. He tells him that he has to do some restaurant work in Delhi, for which he wants to meet Manish Sisodia and Dinesh Arora agreed to him but doesn't take him directly to Manish Sisodia he takes him directly to Sanjay Singh.
  •  According to Agencies, Sanjay Singh said that he'll help him meet Sisodia. But his personal assistant, Vivek Tyagi should be given some stakes in the company and for this particular incident, a case was filed against Sanjay Singh otherwise in most of the cases, the agencies had blamed Manish Sisodia and CM Kejriwal. After this, when everything was set then one day Manish Sisodia & others meet at Sanjay Singh's house and ED claims that a deal of 2.2 crores was fixed in exchange of which, Amit Arora gets some favors in the license. And after this incident, Vijay Nair, Dinesh Arora and Amit Arora started working together. But this was a separate case of Delhi, which wasn't connected with the case of South group. The case of South group will be discussed further. So, these things were going on. Talks on new liquor policy in Delhi was going on and vendors were also invited. Delhi government also published advertisements.

March ,2021

  •  So, in March 2021 Magunta Reddy, an MP in Andhra Pradesh, sees Delhi government's advertisement in the newspaper. Delhi government was going to privatise their liquor policy his family was into liquor business from the last 71 years. So, as soon as he read the news, he sets a meeting with CM Kejriwal so, he gets a date of 16th March 2021 and reaches on that day. And his meeting was on the same date with CM Kejriwal starts in the day. When this meeting was going on, as they talked, CM Kejriwal said that Kavitha, daughter of former Telangana CM, came to meet me few days ago talk to her. And then, after some time when the discussion was going on Kejriwal says that elections of Punjab and Goa are near we would need a financial support of Rs 100 crores. And Kavitha will co-ordinate with you for this.
  • Now, after hearing all this Magunta comes back & as per the statement given to ED Magunta discloses everything that meeting was held in this way. And ED shared all these things. Now, when Magunta comes back - on its next day, Kavitha contacts him. And says that everything is set in Delhi I'm in contact with Vijay Nair and CM Kejriwal's team since months we need to give Rs 100 crore together to their party and after some time in this discussion she says that you also need to give Rs 50 crores. But as per ED statement, he didn't give Rs 50 crore but instead he was ready to give Rs 25 crore. 10 crore cash was given on 28th March and 15 crore cash was given in the month of June. So, they submit Rs 25 crore and then, Kavitha says that all the discussions that'll take place from now on, all the deals that'll be signed Buchi Babu, her CA will contact him for it. So, in total in different ways, they contacted all the businessmen of south and gather 100 crore that they had to give in Chennai. And in this entire process, south group is formed. And at this particular time, Sukesh had entered in it. He said that, they took Rs 15 crore from me as well. And when nobody was believing Sukesh, then he leaked some private chats that Kavitah of South group, asked money from for Aam Aadmi Party. This is the copy of that chat in which he calls Kavitha as 'akka' that is older sister. Wherever 15 kg Ghee is mentioned, he meant Rs 15 crores and he told that, wherever AK is mentioned, it meant Arvind Kejriwal. And wherever SJ is mentioned, it means Satyendar Jain. After sharing these chats, Sukesh claimed that he gave 15 kg ghee i.e. Rs 15 crore in a black range rover sports 6060 with a sticker of MLC on it which was parked near the TRS headquarters.
  •  According to ED's chargesheet, Vijay Nair receives Rs 100 crore on behalf of Aam Aadmi Party and then Delhi liquor policies were made in such a way due to which south group had entire control on the liquor business of Delhi. South group controls directly and indirectly 9 liquor zones in Delhi and in rest of the zones they either financed the money of Security deposit or through their relatives or dummy proxy they controlled the entire Delhi liquor market. When the deal of south group was going then, it included many people like Sharath Reddy tells Vijay Nair that - you're doing the deal we're doing such large deal but you need to fix a meeting with the top boss so that we're assured & when they pressurize very much then Vijay Nair agrees to take them to meet CM Kejriwal and gives the date of 25th April, 2023 Sharath Reddy's statement is also recorded under Section 50 of PMLA act.
  •  He told that firstly he was called Delhi. Then he was told to wait at the Oberoi hotel of Delhi and he was told not to carry any electronic device or mobile then he waits and a black SUV arrives at the Oberoi hotel, picks him up and asks him to wait in the building near CM Kejriwal's residence. After some time, the wait gets over & CM Kejriwal arrives and tells Sharath Reddy that Vijay Nair is very capable to handle all this. And until 10 minutes, they talk about new liquor policy in which CM Kejriwal says that its a win-win situation for everyone and then we goes away. and according to the ED''s chargesheet, it was the 2nd time regarding this policy one on one direct meeting was held. And after this, the next one was held with Sameer Mahendru but that was held through facetime from Vijay Nair's iPhone. Actually Sameer Mahendru was the director of indo spirit , which is a huge liquor company. And he became the main point of south group. And he also wanted to meet Arvind Kejriwal but he couldn't meet him directly but according to ED's statement, he was face timed from Vijay Nair's phone and in that call, Arvind Kejriwal says that Vijay is my boy and you should trust him and continue to work with him. After this, Sameer Mahendru transfers 1 crore to Radha industries' account number 10220210004647 of UCO bank situated at Rajendra palace, New Delhi ED claimed that Radha industries was managed by middle man of Aam Aadmi party - Dinesh Arora. When all these things were discussed in court, while ED was sharing all its details and submitting its chargesheets, then parallelly, back-to-back summons are sent to CM Kejriwal.
  •  The first summon by ED was on 30 October, 2023. But CM Kejriwal doesn't go there. Then from October 2023 to March 2024 within these 6 months, ED sends total 9 summon But Kejriwal doesn't go there & states that BJP has sent all the summons So, parallelly all these summons were being sent. At the same time, hearing was going on in court and along with it back-to-back, people were arrested, raids were being done - all these were done all at once. And until this particular time, Satyendra Jain, Manish Sisodia, Sanjay Singh - were arrested. And were put behind bars. Now, after stating all these things in court, ED comes to the main point. ED says that before the arrival of new liquor policy in the old liquor policy, the profit of 5% of the wholesalers was fixed and after this ED states that, the new policy had also fixed 5% as well. But as soon as the deal with south group is fixed, Manish Sisodia changed the policy at the last moment without the approval of cabinet or lieutenant governor. And the profit of wholesalers' profit which was fixed to 5%, it was increased to 12% for the lobby of south group and they made a deal with the lobby of south group that we're changing it to 12% profit but you need to give 6% back to us through back-channel for our election and the entire statement presented by ED to prove - when CBI had raided Manish Sisodia's house, his computer was also seized.
  • And forensic evaluation of his computer was also done in which they get 2 files which they even submitted in court as well. Agencies said that, among these 2 files - the modification of one file was done on 15th March, 2021 at 11:27 AM in the morning. But the other file which was modified on 19th, consisted of one change. The 5% of profit was increased to 12%. And after that agency says that, between 15th March to 19th March no cabinet meeting was held. And when meeting wasn't held, then how did 5% change to 12%? So, regarding this it was stated that without anyone's approval by only talking to south group, Manish Sisodia set details beforehand he did it himself. And after giving these details, agencies submit other details.

22nd March ,2021

  •  In that, agencies claim that on 22nd March, 2021 the report in Cabinet in which entire policy was formed - had to be submitted. But before this, that is between 14th March 2021 -17th March 2021 they invite south group to Delhi & all the important personnel's of south group stayed at Delhi's Civil line - Oberoi hotel. And they gathered up and started discussing in the business center area of hotel Now, agencies produced CCTV footage of the particular time, when they were staying in this hotel So, when they were monitoring CCTV footage, they notice one thing that one person from the group goes to the business center area while carrying some pages in hand and photocopies many pages from the photocopy machine. So, after watching this footage agencies reach the hotel and collects the data of the machine which was used for photocopying From where they come to know that, total 36 pages were photocopied. Now, agencies claim that the draft of new policy which consisted of 12% increment if we exclude the title & index page, then exactly 36 pages were there, which were in the draft of new policy. Agencies say that, the problem is on 22nd March this policy had to be submitted in the Cabinet it was a very secret document. Then how can this document be in the hands of other people in the hotel's lobby? And that too such people who were to get the license of the same policy. One more thing is added to it that the draft was given by Manish Sisodia to his secretary, C. Arvind at CM Kejriwal's residence.
  • So that, it could be shown to the lobby of south group. And on 13th March, 2023 when agencies caught C. Arvind then, even he confirmed it. And on this basis, agencies claim that the draft of new policy which was a government document before being submitted to Delhi Cabinet, they sent it to south group for its confirmation that 'Check it yourself, if everything is according to you or not' And along with it, agencies added that Kavitha of south group has a CA, Butchi Babu whose phone chats was shown and said that - before being submitted to the cabinet the policy had reached to south group. Actually, what happened was when Butchi Babu was raided then agencies had already seized his phone. And at that time, agencies were finding out 22nd March, 2021 when the policy was to go to the cabinet. He had the details before this. So what agencies did is forensic analysis of his phone from 6th March 2021, to 20th March 2021. His deleted chats at this particular time were found too. And during this, a chat of 20th March comes out, this is the copy of that chat.
  • In this chat, they're discussing, a director whole sale operation post has been made. Who will report directly to the committee, and they're nominated from your group. He's trustworthy. And they used to do main chats from the signal app and generic chats were done through WhatsApp. ED said that before 22nd March, these details in the chat about the positions, a director position is your trusted person. How did get these details? Till minister doesn't tell, these details can't get out. There were also some license holders, that were forcefully taken back. To give advantage to the south group. They gave Mahadev Liquor, a wholesale distributor, as an example. Actually the deal of 6% from 12%, will have to give to the government for election. For that, Mahadev Liquor denied that he won't give bribe. So ED says that Amit Arora forcefully surrendered his license. And said that his Punjab factories will be shut down. And when this incident was matched, Mahadev Liquor company had given up its license. But even after that, the factory was shut down after Punjab's excise officer's verbal orders. Because he did not agree with them.
  •  After this, agencies file cases of hiding document on Manish Sisodia along with 36 accused. Actually when agencies were seizing their mobile. ED said that during this whole policy drafting and enquiry. Along with Manish Sisodia, 36 accused changed 170 phones. Whose value was 1.38 crore. In which, during 1st January 2021 to 19th of August 2022, Manish Sisodia had three phones and a sim. He would use this one sim on the three phones. Out of which, he did not let ED gets hands on two of the phones. And the mobiles that were caught, the one mobile, it was new. He was using that phone from 22nd July, 2022. The mobiles before that were not taken. And along that, from the month of August to September 2022, during this 18 mobiles were changed, in which 4 sims were used. So agencies that none of the phone was used earlier. Due to which they had trouble during enquiry. So for this, they put another case. So all of this enquiry, and the difficulties ED faced and the things that were submitted. Along that, ED said all of the money that was collected It was not like, stored in someone's account.

How was this money transferred

  •  All this money reached Goa. And how was this money transferred. There were details about this too. ED said that elections in Goa were about to happen. And in Goa, money reached through four routes. Without using banking. Through Angriya. See, Angriya is an old system which is still used. In this, assume you want to send cash from Mumbai to your friend in Goa, Without using a bank. So you will go to Mumbai Angriya, give the cash. And you will be given a code, and the hawala people will take the cash to your friend. And take a commission from it. This whole system is called Angriya. This is still used. But there are many allegations on this system too. That, like hawala system, black money is transferred using this. Total 44.6 crore rupees reached Goa. If you see the charge sheet, it says 45 crore. But from this, the Angriya took their commission. So I'm telling you after cutting it. It was 44.6. Otherwise in the charge sheet, it is 45.
  •  So 45 crore rupees reached Goa using hawala. So they transferred it like this, the few Angriya outside Goa got some amount. Then all of these Angriya, transferred this money to the Angriya in Goa, R. Kantilal Angadiya. And then three outdoor campaigners of Aam Aadmi Party received this money. And how all of this was done? ED told about this too.
  •  So first of all, there was South Group's Abhishek Boinpally. What he did was, secretary of Kavitha, Ashok Koushik. Abhishek contacted Ashok on June 2021. And told him to go to Todapur, Narayana New Delhi. There you will meet Dinesh Arora. You will find two cash bags with him. You have to pick them up. And give it to someone called Vinod. And Ashok did the same, he picked up two bags, in which 25 crore were there. Gave it to someone called Vinod. Now these 25 crore bag with Vinod, along with his office employees, used three Angriya. And using them, transferred the money to Goa. And the three Angriyas he used, their name were Kirti Amba Lal Angriya, from here he sent 16 crore rupees. Second was NeelKanth Angriya. From here 7.5 crore rupees were sent. And third was Ma Ambey Angriya. From here 2 crore were sent. So in total, 25 crore rupees were sent to Goa using three Angriyas by Vinod. But not just this amount of money was transferred. More money was to be sent. That were sent using other Angriya. To send the rest of the money to Goa, second group is made. This task was also given to South Group's Kavita's member, Abhishek. And he is told, this is 7 crore rupees to be sent to Goa. Now what Abhishek does is, there was someone called Arvind Singh, head of Ahead news channel. He gives Arvind Singh this work of sending 7 crore to Goa. And what Arvind does is, take this 7 crore and give it to KS Enterprise Angriya. And through this, money was sent to Goa. Like this, someone called Damodar Prasad was given 12 crore. And he also used Asheel Corporation Angriya. And sends 12 crore rupees to Goa. Like this, 44.6 crore rupees were sent to Kantilal Angadiya in Goa.
  •  But when ED was telling about Damodar's connection. Some things were mentioned separately. ED says that this Damodar Prasad works in Chariot Production Media private limited. And this Chariot Production Media private limited was handling Aam Aadmi Party's outdoor campaigning. What happens after this is, all the money reached R. Kantilal Angadiya. When ED catches this trail, there's an R. Kantilal Angadiya where all the money is collected. They raid this R. Kantilal Angadiya. All the documents, notes, chits are seized. And there was an employee in this Angariya, Sagar Patel. When they take and interrograte him, he starts saying all the things.

Who and how money was taken

  •  Sagar Patel tells in his official statement that three people came. Prince Kumar, Charanpreet Singh and Rajiv Mondkar. Prince took 16, 8000 rupees. Charanpreet came and took 17 crores, 38 lakhs and 15000. And Ravi took 27 crore. This much cash was taken from R. Kantilal Angadiya by these people. When agencies get to know all this, they find out who they are. In this, Chariot Production Media private limited, doing outdoor campaigning for Aam Aadmi Party. They are its employees. Prince Kumar was permanent employee. Charanpreet worked on and off as freelance. During election, there was too much work, so he took person called Rajiv with him inside. And when ED inspects further, and checks the bank statements. It is found that on February 2022, Charanpreet was transferred his salary directly from Aam Aadmi Party's account. Now I'm telling you all of this in short. All of the things told, different details have been given by ED to establish this. Like when Prince reached there, he took a slip and the phone conversation that happened. And when three of them reached there, the call log of that time, all the details were matched. And call recording also matched. So all this story was made using this.
  •  And ED doesn't stop here, how this money was used by Aam Aadmi Party. The loopholes of that too are shared. ED said that in the Goa elections, all of the vendor companies were paid weirdly. Payment done in part cash and part bill. Some money was given as cash and some was given by a bill. A vendor company Grace Advertising's employee Islam Qazi told ED that some part of the payment was given as legal invoice. Rest of the payment was given in cash. When Islam Qazi was doing these things during election. He used his known company for Aam Aadmi Party's campaigning. Whose name was Sparks Entertainment. What ED does is seize phones of some of its employees. And when its investigated, it is found that payment was done part cash part bill. This is the copy of that chat that ED put in court. There were many vendor company who gave services to Aam Aadmi Party in Goa election. There were given money using Angriya. Where south group had given money. For this ED gave proofs of chits, slips. Islam Qazi's 6.29 lakhs were given through R. Kantilal Angadiya instead of directly giving it. Like this, Aaron D'Souza's total payment was 13.6 lakhs out of which 5.5 lakh was given to cash deliberately. What ED did is also take Aam Aadmi Party's worker. They told in their official statement. All of the spending done by volunteers of Aam Aadmi Party was given as cash instead of digital payments. And the work related to hoardings and advertisement That money was given through hawala. ED said, Vijay Nair who was middlemen of CM Kejriwal. He raised bogus invoice during election, to show black money as white.
  •  See there are a lot of other things in this. Like credit notes were used. The number on currency note was used as a code to transfer funds. All of these things are mentioned in the charge sheet.
  • See, when all of these were going on And parallelly ED was sending notice to CM Arvind Kejriwal. But he wasn't coming. When ED had sent 9 summon to Arvind Kejriwal and he didn't come after this, ED official reached Kejriwal's residence. First his house is searched thoroughly. Then back to back questioning with him for 2 hours. His mobile phones and family member's phones are seized. And after this they arrest CM Arvind Kejriwal which you already saw. One question in this is, why did they catch CM Arvind Kejriwal. If someone just throws a blame, you don't catch Delhi's CM. In fact, CM Arvind Kejriwal didn't keep a portfolio with him. He had given different portfolios to different people. He did not even do a sign on any document.
  •  See, his tension rose because he was the head of Aam Aadmi Party. There are allegation on Aam Aadmi Party that they profited from this election. By changing the policy. That's why agencies made CM Arvind Kejriwal, head of Aam Aadmi Party, as the main culprit. I already told you Sanjay Singh's case. His case was a little different. The main problem in this is CM Kejriwal and Manish Sisodia. Manish Sisodia, because he made the whole policy. And CM Kejriwal is the head of that party. And had he not been the head, just CM. Then his problems wouldn't be so much. Aam Aadmi Party's leaders clearly told that no one received money through our account. But agencies concern is not to prove whether they directly go money to their account or not. They say that the policy was made in such a way that bribe was taken in a unique and indirect way.
  •  In which Aam Aadmi Party gained profit in election. And country's money was harmed. And agencies are trying to prove this particular thing. And that's why arrests are happening. Agencies have said they have more proof that they'll bring forward. Right now their investigation is going on. In this whole case, Aam Aadmi Party also made allegation. There are talks of electoral bond.
  • But for agencies it is very difficult, people give example of 2G scam as well. It happened like this there. Agencies were not able to find the money trail even at the end. That's why A Raja was freed in that case. But right now the situation is, Delhi's people are suffering in all this. Because majority of Delhi's leadership who are supposed to work are sitting in jail.



ED VS Arvind 01:

Arvind Vs ED - Part 2

Arvind Vs ED - Part 2

Manish Vs ED:

Manish Vs CBI judgement:

Manish Vs CBI case:

Sanjay in High court:

Mohalla Sudhar Case:

First Remand:

FIR all name list:

Vijay Nair Vs ED

New policy (report_of_expert_committee):

More Reference:





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